Coloured mascara is a quite a tricky thing to get right – like trousers, they pretty much always look better in black. What you really need is some deep black undertones with the colour as an overtone and even then, unless someone is staring right into your eyes, I’m not sure anyone but the wearer ever really notices. I had some purple lash extensions put in (obviously not ALL the lashes were purple, just one or two interspersed with black) and then some red ones and I loved them, but only because I was staring at my own eyes up close every morning. Nobody else noticed.

MAC’s offerings do have black behind them, and you still get a good splash of colour. Shades are Plum Reserve, Blue Charge and two new shades, Counterfeit Brown and Artificial Aubergine. If you’ve got naturally light lashes and light coloured eyes, definitely try Brown or Aubergine because they will light up your whole look. My eyes are mid/dark brown, and I’d love to see them in Aubergine.

Blue Charge is above – probably very pretty and strong enough in pigment to add to the very tips of your lashes over black mascara. These launch in February for £18 each.
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