MAC Box Of Chocolates Blogger Curated Palette


I love this idea from beauty bloggers in the US and Canada. Thirty beauty bloggers have joined forces to create one off-the-scale amazing 30 pan palette – the ultimate MAC palette if you like. They’ve each chosen one shade and put them into a MAC Pro Large/Duo palette for one reader to win. I’m really looking forward to seeing how this shapes up as a palette – there’s everything from neutrals to brights in it apparently, but the big reveal doesn’t come until the winner is chosen.

How about that for initiative? They’ve probably made the best MAC palette of all time, in the history of the universe ever! It’s a US/Canada ONLY give-away so don’t enter from anywhere else. I just wanted to flag up that I think it’s the best blogger driven give-away I’ve ever seen. Go here for more details but DON’T enter unless you are Stateside or Canada. Check HERE for a little more info.


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10 responses to “MAC Box Of Chocolates Blogger Curated Palette”

  1. Abi

    I think that is such a great idea – would love a UK one! x

  2. I’d definitely be up for a UK one, that’s such a fab idea xx

  3. Sophie

    This is such an original concept! I really love the idea of it. With a brand like MAC, where there is SO much to choose from, getting bloggers to pick 30 shades means you’ll get some that you wouldn’t necessarily go for yourself, but could well be gems.

  4. mia-rae

    Nice post! I’ve tagged you to do ‘The Procrastinating Beauty Blogger Tag’
    Check out my post for more details:
    Mia <3 xxx

  5. That’s amazingggggg, someone is going to be very lucky!

  6. This is a great idea – shame it’s not for UK residents too xx

  7. Jane thanks for posting this! I’m happy to be a part of the giveaway! I can tell you what color I chose! Twinks is one of my favorite MAC shadows!

  8. K

    What’s the betting that they introduce 30 pan palettes in the next few months?

  9. Thanks for the write up. It’s fun to see what each blogger picked and I can’t wait for the reveal.

  10. Noelle

    Thank you for this amazing post! This is such a huge compliment 🙂

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