Kiko Spotty Lipsticks

Kiko Spotty Lipsticks
Kiko Spotty Lipsticks

I’ll give the Kiko Spotty Lipsticks their proper name – Deco Delight Lipstick – but it’s doesn’t even begin to describe how sweet these are! Each lipstick has a series of tiny coloured dots that are raised and a different colour to the bullet. Above is 04, 02,06 and 08 and they’re part of the Kiko Miami Beach Babe Collection.

Kiko Spotty Lipsticks

But, I bet it’s going to come as a surprise that the dots wipe off!

Kiko Spotty Lipsticks

I just literally swiped over gently with my finger and they’d gone! The dots seem to be made from an almost Vaseline like texture, so they’re really soft – much softer than the actual lipsticks themselves. So, while we’d like to get rid of spots in almost every other circumstance, I think I’d have liked them to hang around on this occasion!

Kiko Spotty Lipsticks
Kiko Spotty Lipsticks

With or without the spots, the colours are really pretty – sheeny and not too heavy. The first swatch is 08, followed by 04 (the red one), 06 and 02. I just really want to know – regarding the dots – what bit of machinery was used to put them on. There has to be a reason that moulds weren’t made so they were actually part of the lipstick bullet rather than add ons.

Either way, at £7.90, they’re great quality lipsticks and well worth the money for thetinted juicy sheen they leave. They’re listed as launching in June but not sure what end of the month – it might be worth checking on line because they might be there already.

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5 responses to “Kiko Spotty Lipsticks”

  1. Love a sheer lippy and I’ve got a kiko gift voucher to spent, job done !
    AM x

  2. It is intriguing how they achieved the dots. But awww that is a pity that they rub off D:

  3. FractalMakeup (@fractalmakeup)

    Loving these myself, Kiko on Regent Street have already launched these plus many more goodies from the collection!!

  4. These are very pretty! But what a shame the dots disappear so easily. Bummer!

  5. Gemma Louise

    The idea of the dots is such a good one, shame they don’t work that great! x

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