I wondered why so many people on Twitter said I was being brave going for Mesotherapy tomorrow. Now I’ve googled it and learn that it is lots of mini-needles penetrating my skin with an infusion of vitamins etc, they’re right. I am (unwittingly) brave! Although I know the term Mesotherapy, it caught my attention again because in a newspaper feature that asked some top beauty editors what they used on their skin, several said Mesotherapy – now, I see these people in the flesh and yes, most of them look absolutely bloody amazing, so I can see it is a treatment that works. So, I booked up without doing any research whatsoever. But, saying that if it gives me ‘beauty editor skin’, then I will gladly take those needles!
What I have been investigating though is a forthcoming trend to use injectables to moisturise the skin, rather than the usual freezing or filling. I checked with Dr Toni Phillips as font of all injectable knowledge and she says that the two brand names to look out for are Juverderm Hydrate and Restylane Vital. The latter apparantly is better for those who need longer term hydration on face or body (such as hands) as it adds a little bit of volume, too, and lasts about 9 months. The former is better for those who can commit to monthly treatments and has amazing results on crepey eyes and crows feet.
A full face hydration would entail 50-100 injections with tiny, tiny needles with a treatment lasting around 15 minutes.
Hyaluronic Acid does occur naturally in the skin – supporting collagen and elastin. As we age, the HA breaks down causing sagging and wrinkling, so by replacing HA, it in theory should have the effect of giving plumper, younger looking skin. In addition, the effect of so many needles to the face stimulates collagen.
So, what do you think? Will you replace your pot of Creme for a session with the needles? I’m definitely going to give this a go, so watch this space for the guinea pig’s verdict.
Pic Credit: The Telegraph 2008
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