Gucci Flora Glorious Mandarin isn’t a new fragrance, but for 2015, it’s certainly better wrapped than it was. If you can’t bring out a new fragrance, then recondition an old one! But, Gucci Flora Glorious Mandarin is new to me – I don’t think I’ve had this one before and everything from Gucci, fragrance wise, I love straight away. It’s no different here – it’s rather a relief when you don’t have to really think about a fragrance; when it just suits your senses straight away and sits with you, rather than enveloping you.
Gucci Flora Glorious MandarinDespite it’s name, Gucci Flora Glorious Mandarin isn’t quite the fruit burst you might expect. I’ve got really simple concepts with fragrance.. if you say it smells of mandarin my nose is ready for an amplified citrus. That’s not the case here – it’s more flower than fruit (peony, jasmine) with a kind of waft of mandarin over the top.
Gucci Flora Glorious Mandarin is a very easy wear – it’s no challenge to the senses (thankfully) – a kind of light, summery refresher – but because of the ease, I don’t know that you’d grab it as a must have. It’s more of a fragrant shoulder shrug than an embrace.
The new wrap is a delight – that’s what would make me grab for it – but I wish that some of that sumptuous floral artwork had made its way onto the bottle (too expensive probably; a cardboard box is way less financially challenging).
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