Gucci Beauty

Gucci Beauty
Gucci Beauty

It’s really hard to say why it’s taken Gucci Beauty so long to appear on the UK market. It’s little known that it’s been available at Gucci stores and at Gucci on-line in the UK for quite some time, but for wider distribution you will have to whistle for it, still. However, it has just landed at World Duty Free (where you can get a free mini make over btw) , so you can pick it up there if you aren’t near a Gucci store (and let’s face it, who is?!). If you do a search for Gucci Beauty, Selfridges pops up as a stockist – not so, they only stock the fragrance range for now (if you saw my post on Friday about key wording, you’ll know how this happened!).

Gucci Beauty
Gucci Beauty

I’ve picked out exactly what I think are going to be the big sellers, although it’s quite a big range of products (over 300 items), so this is just my personal edit for now. So kicking off with the quads – or, to correctly name them, the Magnetic Color Shadow Quads, I’ve picked out Purple Topaz which is really pretty and also versatile. At £48 a pop, you need versatility!

Gucci Beauty
Gucci Beauty

Despite the name, purple is only one element of this quad – there’s a sheeny shell pink, a heathered grey and an earthy grey shade too giving it plenty of scope for a daytime eye or a night time smoky.

Gucci Lipstick

Next up, the Gucci Luxurious Moisture Rich Lipstick in Iconic. Lovers of a red lip will find this the hardest product to resist athough there are 37 other shades. In terms of texture, it’s beautiful – if you’ve tried any of the D&G lipsticks, its a ringer in terms of comfort with a decent sheen. It’s £28.

Gucci Gloss
Gucci Gloss

I love a nude gloss, and this shade, Ardent, in the Vibrant Demi-Glaze Lip Lacquer range is perfect for me. Sheer enough that a bit of my natural lip colour comes through so it doesn’t wash out my tone, but enough coverage and shine that it’s definitely a nude statement.

Gucci Beauty
Gucci Beauty: Iconic and Ardent Swatched
Gucci Mascara

The Gucci Mascara packaging is lush (back up in the gloss picture) – it’s so Gucci branded and super shiny and slick. If you love Gucci, you are going to enjoy getting this one out – it might even be grounds for doing your make up on the train. And I don’t say that lightly ;-). The brush isn’t on a par with other massive volumising brushes but I love that they’re being adventurous with colour and not just sticking to plain old black. If you’re going to try this shade, Attiano, either use it on the tips of already blackened lashes or as a base and then tip with black. Mascara is £27.

In a separate post, I’ll cover off the duos and a couple of other items.  The Gucci Beauty collection is completely on-brand for Gucci; I’m on the fence about whether the quality of the product is as luxury as the prices suggest, but a lot of the price has gone on the packaging which is truly beautiful. If you’re tempted, you can shave a few pounds off the price by getting it at World Duty Free. What do you think? Hype or happening?


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14 responses to “Gucci Beauty”

  1. Zoe Archer

    I can’t wait to try some Gucci make up as it all looks so lovely, especially the eyeshadows.

  2. christy

    Wow I had no idea Gucci had so many beauty products (over 300?).
    Their packaging is to die for! & I love the Gucci logo imprint in many of the products.

  3. Loving the pigmentation in the quad, though the colours are a little on the dark side for me they’re beautiful none the less!

    Sarah 🙂
    Saloca in Wonderland

  4. Donna

    I have been tempted a few times to buy online. they offer or did free shipping. But for some reason never pulled the trigger.

  5. Stacey

    I am surprised there are 300 items-wow! We get the whole range in Dubai and I have splurged a few times and reviewed bits on my blog-my picks are the eyeshadows (quads and mono shadows) and the lip glosses. Very expensive tho…..

    Stacey | Expat Make-Up Addict

  6. Sian

    I visited the boutique to see the make up. Ended up picking up a mascara. My heart sank a bit when the associate pulled put the drawer and every product was in a proctor and gamble box. The mascara was nice but certainly not worth the money. Think you are paying for the brand.

  7. Oh dear…more high end makeup. What is a girl to do. I guess it was only a matter of time before Gucci too branched into makeup, perhaps it’s a good thing it’s not too easy to get hold of yet 🙂

  8. Tracy shaw

    Oh Wow! I actually feel a little light headed just looking at the pics! X

  9. Clbnolan

    I reserve judgement until I get to play with it. The whole ‘designer label’ & glitzy packaging puts me off a bit to be honest.

  10. Genevieve

    Love that mascara colour – it is so totally beautiful. They have some other interesting quad pairings as well, it is hard to choose. So far I think their quality is great for the price – other brands charge as much, yet their products are not quite as good (Dior, YSL in their eye shadow ranges).

  11. So luxurious! Wish I could afford a lot of their stuff!

  12. A good coloured mascara is always tempting!

  13. That quad is so tempting! The colours are beautiful.

  14. That lipstick looks fantastic. I’ll be keeping an eye out for it!

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