Another co-wash to add to the list of things to try – this time it’s Grow Gorgeous Cleansing Conditioner, heading into Boots on 15th of May. This time though, Grow Gorgeous has gone one better by making specific co-washes for blonde or brunette hair. I haven’t tried this yet, so I’ll reserve judgement until I have but for your information only, Grow Gorgeous Cleansing Conditioner is infused with prismatic technology. The best way to explain this is that tiny, tiny metal derived prisms bind to your hair to give shine and depth of colour.
Also, a little different from other co-washes I’ve seen, you need to give it three minutes to work properly. Grow Gorgeous Cleansing Conditioner uses Macadamia, Jojoba and Olive oils with a cleansing complex that binds impurities so they just rinse away. But do give them time to work. I’m excited to try this, I must admit – and obviously, I’ll report back when I have. It will cost £19.95.
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