[affiliatelink] Well, this has been a long time coming! Who doesn’t love a ‘beauty bible’ with a trusted source at the helm that can give you a proper low-down on all things beauty. Funmi Fetto has had a long and illustrious career in beauty – she’s currently Glamour Executive Editor and Beauty Director and an Observer columnist – and was moved to write Palette because ‘women of colour want to be able to walk into any mainstream store selling beauty products and buy haircare, skincare and cosmetics without a second thought’. Throughout my entire beauty life, I’ve heard brands call products for women of colour ‘niche’ or say that there’s no market for them or even that it’s not economical to cater to a minority sector. I’ve even, though lack of exposure or just plain ignorance in the past agreed that small brands should be given a free pass on not including multiple shades on the basis that they can’t afford to. Now I realise, they probably can’t afford not to, before we even start on the morals of exclusion. Brands such as Fenty have certainly shown the way (and reaped the rewards) in locking down inclusivity in a way that makes everyone feel welcomed as a customer.

Palette guides you through skin care, hair care and colour cosmetics with personal anecdotes and product recommendations. Brands that serve women of colour well crop up time and again (ironically, NARS, my least favourite brand is amongst the most inclusive of all) with individual recommendations and rationale.

The further into the book you go, the more you get to know Funmi and the more you feel you’re in safe hands. She’s funny (‘changing your foundation is like deciding to get married – it takes a whole lot of thought and commitment and there’s something quite terrifying about it..’), furious with an industry that makes her feel different and utterly loves beauty. Her writing is fluid and joyful and even if the most you ever do is occasionally swipe a lipstick over your mouth, I think you’ll do it more powerfully as a result of Palette.

Rather than standard beauty photographs, every product (and even Funmi’s portrait) is an illustration by Spiros Halaris – dream job right there! If you’re struggling for a foundation, a concealer, a highlighter, a shampoo or a moisturiser, consider your hand well and truly held. It’s just a lovely book with mission and purpose to make a needlessly difficult job that much easier. One for the gift list this December! You can find it on Amazon HERE for £17.50.
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