There are just so many wonderful (and not so wondeful) beauty products for October that help raise money for breast cancer awareness. I’m highlighting this product from Estee Lauder, the Pink Ribbon Cream Powder Compact, because it gives the entire £55 of the price to The Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Inside the compact the inscription reads “Estee Lauder Breast Cancer Awareness 2012”.
I think you have to think very carefully about where you place your money during Breast Cancer Awareness month as percentages and portions of proceeds vary wildly with all the brands taking part. This entire month is about sending as much money as possible via donations to charitable causes whose entire aim is to find a cure for this horrible disease that takes women indiscriminately. It’s really not a marketing ploy for a brand to sell you something pink with a very nominal amount going to charity. With some, you really might as well just bung a tenner in a donation box and be done with it – the charity will see far more that way than they ever will from a ‘portion of proceeds’ from a product.
The compact above is widely available, but if you’re having trouble finding it, it is HERE

Evelyn Lauder Pink Ribbon Dream Powder Compact
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2 responses to “Evelyn Lauder Pink Ribbon Dream Powder Compact”
Bought the Bobbi Brown offering as the SA said that ALL the money goes to BCA. This now appears to be a vile lie as only £5 goes to the cause. Do people have no shame!?!?!?
I just ordered this compact yesterday. I think it’s really generous of Estee Lauder to donate the entire price, and not just £1 or £5 like other brands.
Thanks for posting this!
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