Umm… LOVELY! I used to be mad for scented candles, but had a bit of a lull in interest for no particular reason. I can honestly say that things have been reignited (see what I did there ;-0) greatly with the arrival of the Durance Fig Milk Candle that crackles and hums like an open fire thanks to a special wick. The flame is bigger than it would be on a regular wick candle – but it dances about happily. If I transport myself to chilly winter evenings, I can imagine reading and relaxing with a book and a blanket with the flickering flame and warm scent, and it being nothing short of bliss.
The Durance Fig Milk Candle fragrance is sweet fig with some green notes that find their way through – it’s mellow but effective at perfuming a whole room – I can’t really fault this at all. It’s £30, so mid-price for a luxury candle, although if you can live without the log-fire vibe, smaller candles are £14 and just as effective at room fragrancing.
You can find Durance HERE although much of the information is in French. Durance is a very comprehensive range – it’s not just candles by any means, and I think we’ll be seeing much more of this brand over time.
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