There are plenty of multi purpose products out there, and plenty that claim multi-purpose but leave you scratching your head about what those might be (BB creams are particularly confusing on this). The Dr Lewinns Multi Moisture Balm really is one of those handy balms that will do so many things it should be a beauty cupboard staple. And, it’s orange – I love orange!
The reason that it’s orange is because it contains Buruti oil, extracted from the Moriche palm fruit (which is edible). It’s natural colour is a reddish orange, so that accounts for it. I KNOW there is no orange fruit in this but I’m also sure I can smell orange! Along with Buruti, Dr Lewinns Multi Moisture Balm has almond oil, avocado oil and jojoba oil so it’s high in skin loving fatty acids.
So, you can use the balm to take off make-up, to moisturise lips, as a hydrating mask (leave for ten minutes and remove with warm cloth), a general face or body moisturiser, a cuticle softener and an intensive hand treatment. I think that’s pretty good for one product.
The Dr Lewinns Multi Moisture Balm launches in May and it will be £26.
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