Chanel No.5 Christmas Limited Editions are sumptuous! I’ll let you into a little secret – when I was dating Mr BBB (many moons ago) he went away on a business trip and bought me back a bottle of Chanel No.5. That’s pretty much when I decided to marry him. It was my first ever bottle of Chanel and I was completely shocked and flattered that he thought of me as a Chanel person. I was only 22 so it seemed so glamorous and grown up and I really thought that nobody else would ever see me as someone who deserved that kind of luxury so, ever since then I’ve been in love with the brand – and I’ve hung on to Mr BBB as well! Every year he buys me a piece of Chanel (costume) jewellery for my birthday or Christmas (not in the leaner years I must admit) and it’s such a meaningful thing in lots of different ways.

So, for a multitude of reasons, I get excited about the Chanel No.5 Christmas limited editions – I want the lot, from the No. 5 Bath Soap (£21) through to the most expensive item, No.5 Intense Bath Oil (£65). This time, there is a No.5 Spray Deodorant (£34), a No.5 Hair Mist (£38), a No.5 Cleansing Cream (£36), a No.5 Foam Bath (£40) and a No.5 Body Lotion (£42). They’re all things glamorous, and when I’m drenched from head to foot walking the dogs at the crack of dawn and all other ‘real life’ things, a quick Chanel bath and I can channel my inner glamour and get a little reminder of realising that someone thought I was worth it.
The Chanel No.5 Limited Edition Christmas range launches on November 1st.
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