Anyone starting to notice a theme, here? Products lately are so much about pampering, and so it is with the new line extensions for Coco Noir, a Body Lotion and a Foaming Shower Gel. I’d have to say I’m not sure what the point of a foaming shower gel actually is – it’s important in a bubble bath, for sure, but not so much in a shower. However, the fragrances in both do really stay around – they’re not five minute wonders and will more than do instead of fragrance.
You’d obviously have to like Coco Noir to begin with – a deeper, darker, version of amber and spice laden Coco. What I really like about this scent is that it does become one with your skin very easily – like a much better smelling version of yourself, if you like! If you want to become a Chanel Coco Noir girl to your bathroom-pampering bones, you can find them (Shower Gel, £36) HERE and (Body Lotion £42) HERE.
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