By Terry Double Take

I literally did a double take when I passed the windows of SpaceNK to see some beautiful new make up from By Terry, called…Terrybly. It’s got to be one of the worst names for cosmetics that I’ve ever come across. But the products are beautiful: it’s just the name that isn’t.

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7 responses to “By Terry Double Take”

  1. Sorry but that’s got to be the most stupid name ever.. Why would they do that?
    Very appealing, not lol!!

  2. i have to agree the name is rubbish tho the products i adore, i alredy have one of the blushes and the lipsticks are divine, so luxurious! the blushes actually smell of roses, not strong tho because im not actually a big fan of the rose scent, but these smell nice!

  3. Farrah G

    Oh no she didn’t! Why would she do that???

    I love her range but that name is literally terrible!!

  4. These look beautiful but I have to laugh at the idea of By Terry offering a premium range. As opposed to what exactly? The main line is hardly drugstore.

  5. Gail

    That name really does add insult to injury.”Yes I’d like to buy that Terrybly expensive blusher please”. Oh dear. I must say I am never tempted by this range, YSL touche eclat was her brainchild and I thank her for it, but I would never switch to buy her even more expensive version, or the rest. Terrybly??? I wouldn’t even feel good buying a range called that at Boots… To use the inimitable internet speak: “Fail”.

  6. Alexandriaweb

    Oh my that name is awful 🙁

  7. Sarah

    I have just come here directly from Space NK’s website where I saw this splashed on the front page. At first I thought it was a Space NK copywriter having an off day, and then realised that the name actually comes from the BRAND! I could hardly believe it.

    Terry needs to sack her brand manager.

    My first thought was to come here and see if you’d spotted it as well, and of course you had.

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