Boots No7 Future Renew Damage Reverse Thoughts

[unpaid/sample] I’ve spent a couple of days going through reviews – mainly magazine and newspaper – of the new Boots Future Renew. Nobody can have missed the launch of this on social media. I actually do rate No7 products – some of them – but rarely get past the marketing these days which, for this launch, is relentlessly dogged in pursuing anyone over 50 on Instagram – fashion, beauty, lifestyle – doesn’t matter.

To be frank, Boots aren’t going to be presenting a ‘world first’ product to international dermatology conferences if they aren’t completely sure their research holds up. I believe it – I believe that the peptide technology will signal proteins (collagen, fibrillin) to hop into repair mode but I don’t know if that will show on your skin any more than using any other high tech skin care. I mean, who can say?

I’m more concerned with the whole ‘damaged’ skin leader they’re using. It’s called Future Renew Damage Reversal and I hate that the notion the brand is promoting normal skin life as damage. I’ve heard a lot of opinions on this new product collection but not one that addresses the typical Boots rhetoric that in order to sell us better, we need our confidence erasing first. I can almost see the torment it took to persuade the brand not to go with ‘anti-ageing’ but really, ‘damage reverse’ isn’t better. There’s no such thing as ‘normal’ skin – all skin is different with different life styles, different continents, different levels of sun exposure, different pigment levels, different levels of pollution, different diets and so on. I’d argue that no skin is ‘damaged’ as such – not in a cosmetic way, or a convenient marketing way  – it’s just living its life with, as you’d expect, varying results.

So we have to ask ourselves who decided that lines and creases, pigmentation, lack of luminosity and lack of firmness is damage? You could argue that it doesn’t matter, and to some people, it won’t but if the word ‘Damage’ is the one that’s resonating with you as you browse the range then that’s the marketing doing it’s job. Future Renew isn’t nearly as impactful is it?

There’s nothing wrong with wanting the best skin you can have – your face is yours to do as you wish with – and a good skin day is always a great day but believing you are damaged is not good, not good at all. If you love the products, great, if you feel they’re bringing your skin to life in ways that other products can’t, that’s also great, and if they’re allowing you to feel positive about your age, your complexion and your self-perception, even better. But normal ageing skin isn’t damage. You aren’t damaged.


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108 responses to “Boots No7 Future Renew Damage Reverse Thoughts”

  1. Yes very good point Jane. I suspect the marketers can rest easy because we’re already tuned into the fact that sun ‘damages’ our skin and we feel twinges of guilt about not wearing sun screen. But I can’t really spot the difference in their before and after pics. Maybe i need new glasses instead

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Yes you’re right – we already have ‘damage’ guilt nicely imprinted! How convenient 🙂

      1. Berni

        Absolutely it’s about their greed.

      2. Mary Lord

        I’ve used some samples and found it absolutely useless. The serum has no effect and the day cream is positively dry.

        1. Jane Cunningham

          oh, that’s a shame.

        2. Dee

          I found the night version drying, the day creams aside from the damage Line, are creamy and luxurious-esque but not the future renew creams however the serum yes, it’s a must, very much luxury, the usual suspects in the serum line, meh, I’d focus more else where with the line I won’t repeat buy the lift snd luminate serum, maybe testote renew, and def future renew serum! Just as good to use straight up Nivea at night instead of future renew cream to save money but use serum, anyone no7 day cream sauce from future renew if any of this makes sense lol

          1. Jane Cunningham

            Makes sense yes – thanks for your feedback 🙂

    2. Yes you a right! Skin is not damaged by age it’s part of life! It’s genetics that determines how your skin will be and also exposure to the sun! The way they market these products is ridiculous! And it shouldn’t be allowed! Th n you gif your article. !

      1. Jane Cunningham

        Thanks so much Karen x

  2. Donna

    Totally agree with you, Jane. It is almost as if it is a crime for women to get older and two how dare they show any sign of it.

    Also, the SPF in face creams it has been shown the amount you would need to use would mean you using up a pot in a week! Better if they had launched a separate SPF in the rang for the face and neck.

    1. Jane Cunningham

      I hadn’t thought of that – presumably you’re supposed to apply over SPF? Who knows!

  3. I’m so glad you’re saying this Jane. It’s a good thing that big brands are moving away from the ‘anti ageing’ tag because that is bad in so many ways and definitely fuels the ageism we see everywhere. So at least they’re trying to come up with an alternative – they just haven’t nailed it yet. I would LOVE to know how many 50+ women were in the room when this brand was being developed.

    1. Jane Cunningham

      I’ve got a feeling that I saw a female brand developer on Linked In. But at the ideas stage – no clue. Would be interesting to know how they came to it.

  4. Jane

    I’m using all the products except the day cream (only because I’m halfway through my current moisturiser and don’t want to waste it). I’ve been using them for about 10 days, so way too early to see results. I’ll let you know how I get on. The products are lovely, nice consistencies and not overly perfumed.

    Boots must have invested £millions developing these products so I don’t blame them for marketing them vigorously. I’ve used plenty of other products over the years, some of them eye-wateringly pricey, that have been marketed to death and done absolutely naff all for my skin!

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Well, yes please, do keep me updated – I’d love to know how you get along with it.

      1. Lyndsey

        I fo understand what you are saying but I have been using the serum for only s week and I have to say I sm noticing a difference already. I have used only on one hand too. And I can see a difference!

        1. Jane Cunningham

          Well, that’s great – I’m not contending that it doesn’t work but more the marketing around it. x

        2. Athena

          I really like the eye serum, night moisturiser and serum however I find the day moisturiser is too heavy and greasy and ‘white’

          1. Jane Cunningham

            Several people have mentioned struggling a bit with the day cream.

      2. Jane

        Will do.

      3. Jane

        Just checking in with an update, as promised. I’ve been using the eye cream, the serum and the night cream for about 2 months now and I am so impressed with the results! My skin feels softer, firmer and more refined. I feel like I’ve got my glow back and this has given me a much needed mood boost. I turned 55 in the spring and was feeling tired and washed out, but now I feel much better about things. I’m never going to be 25 again, but my skin looks great. So happy.

        1. Jane Cunningham

          What a great result! I’m so pleased for you 🙂

  5. Ann

    Such a good piece, Jane. Insightful and honest. Thank you.
    I’ve never been pro Boots skincare since, at the very beginning when all the ads were women swearing their lines had diminished by an astonishing percentage in an amazingly short time by the serums: and on the BBC the serums were included in a programme that Boots had paid for the data. Why oh why can’t skincare products be described and advertised with honesty?

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Protect and Perfect? Honestly, I really liked that – not the hype necessarily but it is a good product. That programme was the greatest gift Boots ever had I think 🙂

  6. Karen Cook

    Hi Jane
    Here is a slightly rambling review of Future Renew serum for everybody!
    My lovely, bald, formerly anti-SPF husband is currently having a (thankfully non malignant) patch of sun damage on his head treated. He has now become a ‘ born again ‘ skin care guru! Having read a review of the serum he purchased a tube. The results are pretty amazing. He is applying it under his SPF on everywhere that isn’t being treated or covered by beard & his 70 year old skin looks 100% brighter & plumper. I wish I had taken a before photo actually!

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Well, that’s great to know! So pleased for your newly brightened husband :-). I’m not suggesting it doesn’t work but it’s more the approach that I don’t feel happy with.

      1. Marilyn Gothold

        My husband sadly had melanoma… kids are now desperate for me to look after my skin and avoid the sun. Difficult as I love the look and feel of it…..

        1. Jane Cunningham

          Sorry to hear that – my dad also has it so we are always reminding him to use SPF50.

  7. Hello I hope that you can help me. I am 70 in May and I don’t like wearing foundation but I have a hell of a lot of deep wrinkles and lines, what make up is best to cover my wrinkles as I read so many reviews about foundation that I’m totally lost in which one is best

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Hi there – okay, so unless you want to invest in Botox or filler, there is little that can be done for deep skin creasing. However, keeping your skin well moisturised (I like products that contain ceramides for this) will be helpful with a little ‘softening’. You could look at Tinted Moisturisers which give you a very light ‘tone’ but hydrate at the same time. My go-to for this is bareMinerals Complexion Rescue. Foundation doesn’t cover skin creasing – it’s just a topping. I’d also suggest exfoliating (Paula’s Choice Skin Perfecting Exfoliant) once a week so your complexion has some brightness to it. At 70, there’s literally nothing wrong with having skin creasing or signs of your age – it’s normal.

    2. Lesley

      Hi Jayne. I use boots number 7 tinted moisturizer I apply on top of my moisturizer though. I can actually say it a good coverage, I’ve stopped wearing foundation all together now. Also on the plus side it’s not that expensive and it last ages.

      1. Jane Cunningham

        I love that product – I’ve got some and think its great.

  8. Delores Osmond

    I use a cream from poundland it’s anti ageing hyaluronicits £2 99 and it’s fabulous. My skin looks amazing.

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Thank you for the tip!

  9. Karen

    I’ve been using the serum plus the day and night creams for 2 weeks. So it’s too early to judge on the results. I do feel the day cream is a touch too heavy and dare I say “greasy” maybe this is due to the SFP 40. I like the serum and night cream and will continue with the 3 products and hope for the results to astonish me. Hope they live upto the hype.

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Please let us know if astonishment occurs ;-))

  10. Susie

    Bravo Jane. Bravo!

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Thank you xx

  11. Debbie

    Would be interested in following this debate before investing in the product

  12. Ute Isabell

    This (your writing, your attitude) is the reason yours was the first blog I ever subscribed to and one of the few I read consistently! I have since left London and its beauty shopping nirvanas for Berlin but still eagerly open bbb emails.

    1. Jane Cunningham

      That’s really kind of you Ute, thank you so much.

  13. Brenda J Scott

    The best cream they ever made was thier Traditional Skin Care Moisturising Cream with A&E.
    Alll you ever needed in one pot. Day, night on its own or under make up, hands and nails. BRILLIANT. And they stopped making it. It was never advertised and always on a bottom shelf. Had they advertised it there would be no need to make this latest cream.

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Great point Brenda.

    2. Janet Parkin

      I agree, a great product at a low price. That really worked. My mum used it all the time , she was 96 but looked in her late seventies

      1. Jane Cunningham


  14. Melanie

    Yes! Completely agree. I may be shooting myself in the foot and missing out on some great products but I refuse to buy anything that spins this negative ‘you are deficient’ line. My daughters grew up shouting ‘Why should I?’ every time a skincare ad came on with the standard ‘Want to look younger…?’ spiel. I sometimes feel I’m running a feeble one-woman campaign so it’s nice to feel I’m not alone!

    1. Jane Cunningham

      You aren’t alone! I keep banging this drum exactly for future generations so they don’t grow up like us assuming they’re in decline at all times.

    2. Carole

      At 66 suddenly my usual products were not rich enough and I was having a bit of a downer on getting older. I bought the eye, serum and day and night Future Renew products, a tinted moisturiser and eye pencils. I’d had a lovely pamper session by a delightful Boots consultant, who made me feel great about my self again – just the boost I needed. For me the products are a joy to use – they feel like nourishment for my skin. I’m being deligent with application as advised instead of rushing -taking time for self all helps I think. My skin is looking brighter, fresher and more moisturised. I’m never going to look 30 again, but if I can look my best, I feel more confident. Finally, language used around ageing is always a sensitive one because nobody wants to age. Whatever words are used we still won’t like it!!!

      1. Jane Cunningham

        Well, that’s great – if it suits your skin and you’re happy with it that’s wonderful. Especially as you’re taking time on a routine that makes you feel pampered.

  15. Teresa Norman

    So after being very disappointed with the menopause range (I’m 10 years post so maybe wasnt for me) I am liking this range & the price. I’m not taken in by advertising hype. More by affordability & results. So far so good. Had been considering Charlotte tilbury & had all the samples. Loved it but very pricey. Also not impressed by some of the ingredients ie vegetable oil?

    1. Jane Cunningham

      There’s not really such a thing as ‘menopause’ skin care. It’s a bit like saying ‘birthday’ skin care. But, if you put the word menopause on the front of the packaging, people really do believe that it will do something different.

  16. Eileen

    I have been using the day cream. I find it is a very heavy cream for day ware. Not a fan of this. I am using it as a night cream which is better for me. The other Boots products I use are nice. I do not believe any cream can reverse lines etc but creams are better than using Botox which makes people look like the skin is frozen.

    1. Jane Cunningham

      There is literally no cream, anywhere in the world, that can replicate the effects of Botox.

  17. Amanda Owen-Meehan

    Thanks for highlighting this Jane. I’m really against the word ‘damage’ when it comes to skincare – it feels incredibly shaming and negative which let’s be honest is the last thing that any of us need! Words have incredible power and should be used with great care.

    Brands that get my spend these days very rarely mention anti-aging and instead focus on healthy-looking skin which has sod all to do with wrinkles and lines….

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Exactly – who is to say what’s beautiful and what isn’t. We’re just so used to hearing it I guess 🙂

  18. Marilyn Rosenberg

    Good morning, a thoughtful and insightful piece. I have read quite a few articles in the media including some written by people who swear by the product’s efficacy which is heartening. Yesterday I spent quite a while at the Boots counter and the lovely Gracie did a skin scan first and the told me what my skin needed. Having been a die-hard Clarins user, I’m happy to try something different so I have bought the serum plus a day and night and a retinol cream. I will return and be scanned again in 4 weeks and will be happy to see what has transpired. I’m also hoping to see a difference myself. So whilst not necessarily agreeing or disagreeing with your atryicle, would like to see if the products speak for themself.

    1. Jane Cunningham

      I agree with you Marilyn – let the products speak for themselves. I’m not really arguing that the products don’t work – I feel sure they will do something. Boots are presenting the tech at peer group conventions so they just wouldn’t be doing that unless they’re very confident in its efficacy.

  19. Julie

    I’ve just bought all this range been using it for 3days will let you know how it goes my skin does feel softer and a bit smother but as for wrinkles to early to tell yet

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Yes, please do keep us updated!

  20. Pam

    Hi my friend has been a Beautician for many years and she would not recommend No7 or the Simple range due to the ingredients and some things in them!

    1. Jane Cunningham

      That’s interesting. I know that so many people love the formulas but as ever, they’re not for everyone and we have a world of choice don’t we!

  21. Emma

    Jesus get over it if your going to be triggered by some simple advertising best not leave the house today. The world isn’t going to acculturate to your fragile sense of self worth…and not should it! Stop over-thinking things. I get that you need a ‘click-bate’ article but seriously why even put this nonsense in people’s heads. It’s a skin care product that has scientific research backing the results which clearly state will help damaged skin… And yes lines and wrinkles and spots and blemishes are damaged skin. Go look it up on Google were always saying that sun damages skin and makes it look older are we now going to cancel the sun as our ‘feewings got hurt’ sorry for the rant but I can’t help but wonder how people’s minds work. I’d much rather an honest and thoughtful review of how the actual products work or the feelings on the ingredients or research the actual claims they are making. Not how the words on the package hurt your feelings or made you feel. It’s exhausting.
    However I wish you luck and hope you find more interesting things to blog about

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Thanks for your thoughts Emma, not sure why you feel you need to put so much anger into them. I do need to point out that it’s my website and it’s okay for me to express my thoughts and opinions on it, which may or may not match yours. If it’s not for you, you never need to come here but on this occasion, thank you for doing so and expressing how you feel about it.

      1. Ute Isabell


      2. Ann

        Hear hear!

      3. Deborah Karim

        Absolutely Jane ❤️

  22. Sharon Diver

    Hello Jane
    Thank you for your honest opinion. I’ve just purchased this cream and will let you know the results. I have purchased various creams over the years (now 62). Since a teenager I have always cleansed my face and used a moisturiser. (You can count on one hand the tines I’ve used soap and water). Though I do find drinking more water does help.

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Yes, that’s a really good point – drink water!

      1. Sharon Diver

        Well Jane I tried the day cream…. It is the most horrendous day cream I’ve ever purchased. Thick and greasy. Just sat on my skin. Put make up on, after half an hour had to clean everything off as it felt like clay face mask. Never known/used such an awful day cream.

        1. Jane Cunningham

          Oh wow – that’s a strong aversion. Really sorry to hear it – on the plus, lots of great day creams out there that hopefully will do better 🙂

  23. Lisa

    I’ve tried lots of eye creams etc but my eyes seem to react badly to them. I got a tester of renew and restore from Boots to try and I was o.k with this. When I went back they tested my skin and like a fool I bought this new range. Day & night cream, eye cream serum the lot and guess what, I woke at 2am with eyes like a frogs. Tried again the next day, same. How stupid was I. Obviously they’re going to push a new product. I’m going back to the store.

    1. Jane Cunningham

      I have reactions to eye creams as well – I very rarely use them for that reason. I think they will give you your money back – I’d be surprised if they didn’t.

  24. Diana

    I did not notice the ‘damage’ word in the way you did when I saw these products launch. I guess matching a previous comment I was thinking in terms of sun damage etc not neceserily being ‘damaged’ if i have some ‘skin damage’. Hope I’m making sense but I do see your point now, and can’t stop thinking about it. Can’t stop thinking about how come after all the market research done it did not come up / cross No7 minds about this (and trust me they did loads of market research).

    In terms of the product itself, it sounds like they are walking a very fine line between claiming cosmetic improvements to medical improvements. As far as I know, any kind of ‘damage’ reversal is more on the medical side of things and should be / is highly regulated? Or am I missing something?

    Really looking forward to see how everyone feels after using the products for a while, personally the price point is to high for myself and budget at the moment.

    1. Jane Cunningham

      I think that we very readily accept the notion that we are ‘damaged’ – it’s just years and years of drip drip effect from the beauty industry. Research can ask questions in a way that they get the answer they actually want. Just all depends what was asked and how. A good example of this might be ‘Do you feel that your skin is softer?’ which would only rely on the feeling that it might be rather than evidence that it actually is.

  25. Honey McKinley

    I read some articles about how good this range is but then saw the adverts which seemed to avoid all the good things I’d read about the ingredients and delivery system. Instead it had 2 women talking about when young they didn’t take off their makeup before bed or used soap and water on their face. The implication seems to be that this Boots range can repair that damage. I just shout at the screen that it’s not the same skin cells as they come off and new ones take over! Tell me what the products actually do, as the only hint is one woman saying of past behaviour ‘our poor dry skin” which implies the products moisturise, which you’d expect from skin creams. Older women aren’t stupid so tell us why this is a game-changer. Also, on ITVX, the ad plays really often but they have removed the soap and water comment so it makes less sense to me.

    Anyway, rant over! Thank you for your piece and I hope it helps people. It reminds me of a Mock the Week “ads that never made it to air” where a female comic, I forget who, said “Have you got a face? Well, it’s wrong!”

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Oh, I wish I’d seen that Mock The Week thing. I don’t think that using soap & water on your face in your teens would cause damage you can see on your skin when you’re in your 50’s. It doesn’t make sense at all.

  26. Christoph

    I’d strongly disagree here. Aging itself is NOTHING BUT the damage to your body that accumulates over time.
    It’s meant to be an objective term.
    Perhaps a bit more diplomatic would be “wear and tear”. It isn’t meant to judge you as a person. Some day medicine will rejuvenate every one of us to have the bodies of 20-30 year olds permanently.

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Thanks for your thoughts Christoph 🙂

  27. Lynne

    Really don’t have a problem with the word ‘damaged’ , by dictionary definition our skin may be exactly that , for whatever reason .
    If a product claims to repair , then there must be something to fix and if it works I’m in .

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Hope it works for you Lynne – it’ll be interesting a few months down the line to see how it’s shaping up longer term.

  28. Rosie

    The eternal truth about ageing is, if we’re fortunate to ride the crest of time and reach mid to older age, your doing well! I am seventy now, having worked as a No7 consultant in a previous life, the one thing learnt was, look after your skin. Use gentle cleansers, tone your skin and moisturize at least twice a day. There will always be skin damage, part of living. Stay out of the hot sun ! Shield your face.
    I still have fresh young looking skin, thanks to No7 and DNA. I am trying the new product, not expecting miracles, as they don’t come in bottles ! but it feels nice on the skin. Enjoy life!

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Thank you so much Rosie for those words of wisdom 🙂

  29. Belle

    This was so dramatic
    They’re people out their who feel their skin is damaged. You can tell them a million it’s skin and all these semantics. The botox industry isn’t a billionaire because everyone is just loving their skin. This highly sensitive society, is getting so overrated and overwhelming. Can’t say anything , everything has to be worded to not effect emotions. Incorrect. Skin is meant to be taken care of. A lot of people don’t take care of their skin. It is damaged and needs correction. Invest in your skin.

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Thanks for your thoughts Belle 🙂

  30. Chloe

    I always love and admire the way you consistently advocate for the ‘ageing’ woman/man – honestly, the language that the beauty industry uses baffles me. How dare anyone get ‘old’ and look less than 19 years old?!
    I do love No.7 products on the whole but yeah – the ‘damage reversal’ name has really put me off, mainly because I don’t see my skin as ‘damaged’.

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Thanks so much Chloe – really appreciated. Shouting into the ether half the time, but on we go 🙂

  31. Maria

    Im 58 years old Im using No. 7 more than 8 years good result for me Lift & Luminate Day Cream

    1. Jane Cunningham

      good to know, thank you for the feedback.

  32. Lynn

    The serum has left my skin worse burning an dry skin now that I never had before I feel like it’s burnt my skin . Did tell girl I very very sensitive skin . But she still kept saying o be great for it I think just get the sale I was wanting try another no 7 I know I’ve used in past but I let her talk me into buying the new one .. I will be taking the other 2 serums I got on offer back tomorrow.

    1. Jane Cunningham

      That’s a shame – hope your skin feels better soon x

      1. Lynn

        Very red irritated an patchy I have sensitive but it’s good as such as I normally stick to cream I know it’s very inflamed . Will def be taking new serum back today . And having chat with no 7 sales people . Thank you so much . I e never went on site like this but because I got talked into new serum an way my skin reacted all I read was good reviews until I found this site

        1. Jane Cunningham

          Just give your skin a bit of time to recover and then start again with your regular skin care. You might find that Avene will have something to calm you down. x

  33. Rebecca

    I don’t have any issue with the word ‘damage’ being used, because I know I’ve damaged my own skin over the years. I have some scarring from where I couldn’t leave a spot alone and ended up with a permanent red mark. I also know that I damaged skin on my forehead when I used a chemical exfoliant one day and the next ended up going and standing outside my house in midday sun and ended up with a burned stripe just below my hairline. It’s still visible nearly 10 years later. Saying my skin is damaged isn’t a pejorative, it’s just a realistic assessment of some issues I still can see, years after causing something to affect the condition of my skin.

    The serum’s name in its entirety however made my other half laugh: Future Renew Damage Reversal. He said it sounded like some kind of weird time-travelling waffle that you’d hear on something like Dr Who. Had to agree with him on that.

    I didn’t actually see or hear about any of marketing prior to this product being launched because I don’t watch television, don’t read newspapers or magazines, and haven’t really been reading/watching/following any skincare or beauty content online for ages. The first I knew about the serum was being handed a coupon for £10 (I think, can’t remember the exact amount) off when I was in the pharmacy buying some painkillers. As I looked at the voucher, the shop assistant pointed to the small display on the counter where there were some boxes of the serum for sale. I figured I’ve give it a go, because I’ve been looking to get a new peptide product to add into my regimen, and have been using it for about 10 days now I think? Obviously it’s too soon to report back on any real improvements, but at a surface level, it does absorb nicely, leave my skin nicely plumped, and interacts/behaves really well in conjunction with my other skincare. I could just be experiencing some kind of confirmation bias, but I do think that my skin feels better after this short period of time. More plump and hydrated.

    I like it enough that I’ve also gone back to pick up the eye-serum. Haven’t tried it yet, but the regular face serum has been fine to use all the way up to my under-eye area and all around my eyes too. My hope is that the eye-serum allows for concealer to sit well on it during the day, because so many eye-serums and creams just end up leaving my under-eye make-up a total mess. Here’s hoping!

    1. Jane Cunningham

      That’s really great feedback, thank you so much 🙂

  34. Ann Howie

    I have been using Boots new renew and restore day,night and serum cream for two weeks.Then I noticed my skin becoming very hot and blotchy so stopped immediately.My face become painful and very itchy.I then decided to find out if there were any side effects to these creams and found an American site full of messages from women who had quite nasty experiences- I think Boots introduced this range last year there.
    Today,I have just returned from a visit to my GP with a prescription for steroids and will try and stay out of sight till my face recovers! Then I will visit Boots and return the creams.Just as well I have not been invited to the Coronation!

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Sorry to hear it Ann – in the interests of fairness, I think it can happen with any new creams/serums but how disappointing that it’s not right for you – and as you say a very good job you weren’t dusting off your best hat 😉

  35. Annie

    I am having exactly the same experience. My poor face is so inflamed and has rash patches, even a week after I stopped using the serum. I returned the product but the sales person was not bothered about my reaction, although she did give me the money back. I have been looking at reviews to see if anyone else has experienced similar. All of the beauty journalists have raved about the stuff, only here am I seeing any other experiences. I feeling very upset about it and hope my skin recovers soon.

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Just put nothing on your skin for a few days – hard to do but it will give it a chance to find its equilibrium again.

  36. Kathy

    This product made my skin feel and look drier than usual, sore and reddened. Tried only using it once a day but results are the same. Will not use again, too harsh!

  37. Annie

    I have been using No7 Restore and Renew or years. However, when I recently switched to the Future Renew Day Cream, like one or two or your other reviewers it has left my face is sore, with red patches. I took back the unopened Night Cream for a refund.

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Oh that’s a shame – it’s not right for everyone.

  38. Carol Adams

    I purchased the face serum, the day cream & night cream. Used all three for almost 3 months without any problem at all. Then my face & neck got very red & sore. The soreness eased after about 5 days.

    After about a month I reintroduced the serum & all was fine. After a week or so I reintroduced the night cream in conjunction with the serum & again it was fine. So …. time to reintroduce the day cream – just a light application just on my cheeks & chin. The result was shocking & very painful. Overnight my skin was itchy, bright red, slightly puffy & burning.

    I have never had any reaction to any face product in 50 years & find it very strange that this only happened after three months of use without issue.

    I rang Boots’ Customer Service & pressed the ‘adverse affects’ digit, told them my concern & the agent was excellent. I have a reference number & told to take the cream instore for a refund.

    1. Jane Cunningham

      What a shame – so good that you had excellent customer service.

  39. Skin Therapist; Teacher and Spa owner

    Wow LOL. I thought this was supposed to be a review of a product or line of products?!?!
    All I got was a big rant at the word “Damage”. What was this suppose to be about? Omg

    Oh, just read the reviews. If you want to age gracefully with no aid of skin care products you can do so, no one is forcing your hand or CC’s. Ladies/guys it’s just marketing, don’t like it don’t buy it, get over yourself.

  40. Kate

    I’ve been using Future Renew Damage Reversal Night Cream about 2 weeks and my skin now has red patches, it looks like I have rosacea. I am returning the product and praying my face heals without any problems.

    1. Jane Cunningham

      I’m sure the redness will disappear as soon as you stop using it – it’s possibly just a bit too active for your skin.

  41. Kelly Rickards

    I’ve not renewed the product yet, however my dismay is purely with the advert. The notion that hey ho we didn’t wear sun cream as we were enjoying ourselves??? But no probs we now have this miracle cream. Giggles and laughter. My worry with this is the flippancy of the advert. Not wearing sun tan cream doesn’t just equal damaged skin but can cause deadly skin cancer, which at present no cream can put right. Shame on boots who work with cancer charities to help but have sadly got it wrong with this one. Surely I’m not the only person to spot this? If showing some giggly girls who appear more worried about wrinkles than cancer is key to selling a product then I feel very sad.

    1. Jane Cunningham

      The thing is Kelly, we didn’t wear sunscreen back then except ‘on holiday’ and there is a lot of fear mongering about sun exposure that tends to serve the beauty industry rather than educate. We don’t live in undiluted sunshine (in the UK), sun is really important for Vitamin D and it’s recommended that you have 15 minutes a day exposure on your arms or legs etc so that you can keep your levels topped up. I worry that we are so scared of the sun that we’ve forgotten how to enjoy it – yes, of course, get your SPF on because skin cancer is no joke but there are degrees of exposure. I completely agree the focus on wrinkles is wrong but at the same time I can’t help feeling there’s a way to educate that doesn’t make us terrified of the sun. It’s a beauty product so they focus on the beauty aspect (but to my mind, there’s nothing wrong with wrinkles anyway!) – I guess it’s about co-existing with the sun more comfortably.

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