[unpaid/purchase/affiliate] I’m taking Friday off beauty and instead focusing on things that would fall more into the health category. A reader recommend (thank you Pinky!) is Blephasol Sensitive Eye Lid Cleanser and it couldn’t have come at a better time for me. I’ve been testing several mascaras over the past couple of weeks and made the big mistake of making an Instagram reel, getting it wrong, taking off the mascara, putting it back on, getting it wrong again and removing once more. The end result was extremely sore eyes (I usually do everything in one take – I’m not committed enough to aim for perfection!). As it is, I get sore eyes from my screen which I mitigate with drops but this particular sore eye was next level.

Blephasol Sensitive Eye Lid Cleanser

Without getting too gory, as we know, sore eyes tend to produce more secretions and I was glad that I bought the little wipes as well for mornings when they definitely needed some attention. The thing about the wipes is that you really can winkle into the corners without any fear of upsetting your eyes further – if anything, the wipes soothe and refresh as well as de-sleep so you feel less conscious of the red balls staring back at you. The wipes don’t remove mascara (use the liquid for this), or not much, but if you’ve been wearing kohl on the inner rims they get every last drop away. I stopped wearing mascara, used the Blephasol Sensitive Eye Lid Cleanser which is like a micellar and used the wipes for mornings. I think they’re both very useful products to have on hand – I’ve learned my lesson that I can’t abuse my peepers in the way I did for that silly reel but I think really this stuff might be a godsend for anyone whose eyes need extra care in cleansing. You can find the liquid HERE. For no known reason, the wipes aren’t on-line.


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All products are sent to me as samples from brands and agencies unless otherwise stated. Affiliate links may be used. Posts are not affiliate driven.