What a great idea this Create Your Own Beauty Kit is! I love it. It has all the right bits and pieces (and jars and stickers) to help you create your own balms, washes and lotions – oh, and masks – at home using raw ingredients from your store cupboard or fridge.

When I was little, my grandma gave me a sweet shop with jars of sweets, little paper bags and scales. It was my best present I think – I was obsessed with the miniature paper bags (striped) and the whole ritual of weighing the sweets, putting them into the bags with a plastic scoop and ‘selling’ them to my mum. The Beauty Kitchen Beauty Set makes me feel the same – I want to write the sell-by, stick the stickers on the jars and measure out the ingredients although I’ll draw the line at making my mum buy them from me!

I’m showing a very simple recipe from the enclosed booklet, there are more complex ones including a 50% honey body wash, grapefruit shampoo or even a tinted lip balm. I’m so making that! I’m so impressed with this – it looks fun, it’s great quality and I actually want to make the things. If you have a budding beauty entrepreneur on your hands or you just fancy an afternoon of seeing what you can make it looks like all the fun.
The Beauty Kitchen Create Your Own Beauty Kit is £50 but I’ve found it HERE for less than half price – £22!
Non Aff Link HERE.
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