Beauty+ Grey Below

Two things popped up yesterday concerning grey hair. The first was a comment from The Grey Model Agency saying that in SE Asia, dyeing and covering greys is totally a trend, just as we’re embracing the greys. The second thing was a feature in The Tatler about how to keep greys away from your pubic area.

I literally have my ‘oh, for god’s sake’ face on. We wonder why magazines are worried about a declining readership. There were plenty of suggestions, from whipping it all off, asking a salon professional to trim everything down, getting the odd one covered with lash dye (presumably by the same poor professional who’s been asked to give you a buzz cut) or going the whole way and dyeing all of it – any colour you like, apparently. But the worst thing was the last line made in reference to being careful about pre-testing dyes: “So take care. Because nothing is more off-putting than dermatitis in your nether regions. Not even a rogue grey hair.”

It’s amazing what women make their business about other women. This article, with its age shaming implications and suggestions that stray greys are ‘off-putting’ is a good example of how print press can’t stop highlighting everything that’s wrong with older women.

Do as you please with your nethers – if you’ve got a partner that thinks a) it’s any of his/her business whether you are grey down there, or b) would be ‘put off’ by seeing such a thing is absolutely the wrong partner for any woman. What this article has done is made women consider – again – that they might not have an attractive enough lady garden. How can that possibly be helpful? It’s not you and your shades of grey that need to change here, it’s stupid thinking that suggests your body is wrong and needs putting right. Dye it, trim it, plait it even, as long as you’re not doing it because you think what you have is plain or ageing.

Surely, there are bigger issues to worry about. Actually, I read today about a new brand called Fur designed specifically for pubic hair (to keep it soft etc) but while I don’t think that’s something I’d park $20 on (leave-in conditioner apparently is effective) at least it’s about self-care and not self-loathing.

It’s none of Tatler’s sodding business what the state of grey is on your body, it’s certainly not their remit to make you feel somehow ashamed of greys and I’ll lay money on the fact that it’s written by someone with not one single grey pube. I’m a little bit tired of reading features written by female writers that are fuelled by their own fear of ageing and body changes, and not the reality.

If you have it, recycle. Or burn.

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11 responses to “Beauty+ Grey Below”

  1. Em

    Wow, it never fails to amaze me the things people say you should do to make yourself ‘attractive’. I mean seriously, if you have a partner who has a problem with a few grey hairs no matter where they are, why are you even bothering with them?! More often than not I feel like it’s women who make these things up just to make other women feel bad so companies can sell them products to ‘fix themselves’.
    Em x

  2. Do we think the person who wrote this article had just watched a certain episode of Sex and the City? Because that WAS A LONG TIME AGO. Congratulations on shaming this idiocy.

  3. Sinead chilton

    Bravo. We need to stop these so called journalists from writing this drivle in the first place, by not reading it!!!

  4. Laura

    Yet again another article to make older women feel irrelevant! Thanks Tatler

  5. Helen Miller

    Totally agree with everything you say – but why be so coy and talk about “lady gardens”? Its one of the daftest euphemisms I have had the misfortune to hear!

    1. Jane

      Actually, it’s for search reasons…basically, I don’t want my site popping up in Google search for anyone searching the real name term. It’s not because I’m coy, but I’ve made that mistake before and it’s troll city!

  6. Love this post and absolutely agree. Why is anyone telling others what to do with their pubic hair? Makes me ragey. Just another thing to add to a laundry list of things to feel ashamed or conscious of!

  7. Well said! Of all the things we should be worried about in our lifetime, grey pubes is not one of them. I’m shaking my head so hard I might just concuss myself. 😉 xx

    1. Melody

      Totally agree with you!!

  8. tigerbabe68

    5 minutes ago it was apparently off-putting to the entire world if ladies had pubes at all and now it’s fine as long as there isn’t a grey one in there? Do we have a consensus on male pubes – allowed at all, allowed to be grey? I totally agree with you that if someone allowed access complains or is “put off” by a grey pube they shouldn’t be allowed there again!

  9. PhotoGirl

    Oh my word! While I don’t want to see pubes of any color on myself, I would never DREAM of telling someone else what they should or should not be doing with their lady business! Why can’t they just present the information — if you want to color your pubes here’s a decent product that you might try — without commentary? I suppose that would be too much like what we used to call “journalism.”

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