Other brands need to take a leaf out of Darphin’s book when it comes to promoting anti-ageing. What consumers don’t usually get to see is the press-pointed marketing materials for products; the words that allow us to tell you what a product does, or is supposed to do. So, if I say that the Darphin presentation starts like this…
For every woman, there comes an exquisite time in life when she realises that age is just a number. She feels better than ever, stronger, more willing to take risks; she wants to make the most of her time. And she wants skin care solutions that complement her beauty.
…you’ll realise why I’m so delighted with it. Far from throwing down the usual dire warnings about deep creases, crows feet, and a the downward spirals that will occur if you don’t look at least ten years younger than your natural age, Darphin is saying, yep, it’s fine to be you, age not relevant to beauty, but good skincare is important. I’m so on-board with that!
So, I guess I’d better tell you a little about Darphin Exquisage. It is aimed at older skin, and specifically to boost collagen, which we all know depletes with age (in fact, Darphin Equisage is claiming to double collagen), but its other priority is to bring back skin vitality. It’s not a given with age that your skin can’t look lumious and fresh – it certainly can, but it requires more effort than back in the day with more targeted ingredients.
I’m liking Darphin Exquisage Serum for its respectful approach to beauty+ women and for some serious ingredients, including Acetyl Hexapeptide, Artemia Extract and Laminaria digitata Extract (which works best when combined with Acetyl Hexapeptide). Darphin Exquisage isn’t cheap – the serum is a wince-making £75, and the cream is £65, but a little goes a long way. You can find it HERE.
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