Beauty And The Flu

C O Bigelow Cold & Flu Soak
C O Bigelow Cold & Flu Soak

There is nothing glamorous whatsoever about a cold or flu. It’s vile. But, assuming that it’s not proper-proper flu (which renders you utterly incapable and beyond caring about anything) I think that a cold does give you ‘permission’ to pamper and slow down a bit. I haven’t had my annual cold yet, but one thing is for sure, it will come! So, I’ve compiled a few cold essentials to stock up on so you can properly hunker down and give yourself up to the very few pleasures of having a cold.

First up is the C O Bigelow Cold & Flu Soak Herbal Remedy, above (£22 HERE). I have to be honest here and say it will smell like you are bathing in cough mixture. But, it’s a smack of eucalyptus, peppermint, willow bark, echinacea and ginger that will bring comfort and help your breathing.

Avene Cold Cream Lip Balm


Avene’s sensitive skin range specifically addresses stinging skin.. and we all know what happens to nostrils when you have a cold (crispy!). If you apply Avene Cold Cream Lip Balm (£8, HERE) to your nostrils at the first sign of your cold, it will act as a barrier against constant drips which strip out the moisture and it will also help to protect the skin against constant wiping with a tissue. Its main component is castor oil for barrier creation (but it does contain mineral oils). Try to only put on the edge of the nostrils rather than round the sides of the nose where it is a little too heavy for such a pore-rich area, and don’t be tempted to put on your lips for hygiene reasons – this is nostril rescue only and chuck it out when your cold is a thing of the past. I’ve used all kinds of ‘natural’ products on sore nostrils and they pretty much always sting – this is the only one that never has (on me).

Pill Hot Water Bottle
Pill Hot Water Bottle

Who knew hot water bottles could go high tech? But they have, and this is the Pill Hot Water Bottle that retains heat for up to five hours thanks to wet-suit technology casing . When you’ve finally succumbed to bed, the last thing you need is to be tackling a hot water bottle gradually getting more and more luke warm. Yuk. It’s also brilliant for aches and pains which often accompany colds and flu. It’s £34.95 HERE.

Rosie Cashmere
Rosie Cashmere

Finally, the ‘shmere. While I love the idea of cashmere pyjamas, I think the washing of them, not to mention the waking in the night boiling aspect, are against them in reality, but if you can’t have special pampering PJ’s when you’ve got the flu, when can you? M&S Autograph has a range with Rosie Huntingdon-Whiteley that are beautiful and are a cashmere blend. You get the softness. luxury feel and the washability in one go – they’re not expensive either particularly (bottoms HERE at £35, top HERE at £22.50). They’ll also double as lounge wear when your cold is gone.

Add in your cold comforts in the comments section (I’d add in Heinz Tomato Soup and Toast) because I’d love to hear them! Oh, and a final tip – if you’ve been packing in the Lemsip and then wonder why you can’t sleep, it’s because Lemsip has quite a whack of caffeine in it! Have honey, lemon and a couple of paracetamol instead.

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4 responses to “Beauty And The Flu”

  1. Ali

    Night Nurse and hot toddies. You won’t be much good for anything, but you won’t care.

  2. Jane Cunningham

    Ooh… you have just reminded me.. my Granny used to swear by toffee for a bad cough and congested chest. Not going to argue with that but no idea if it works.

  3. Melanie

    I wish I had seen this last week when I thought that I was dying! HydraSense, the French sea-water nasal spray, helps tremendously. As does drinking fluids like there is no tomorrow. When I feel well enough, I put on some lipstick.

  4. Bec

    For me it has to be molton brown eucalyptus body wash and a hot shower! I shut the door, turn on the shower and then let the room get all steamy. When you use the product all the eucalyptus vapours mix with the steam and really help with congestion and breathing. Also makes you feel really clean and fresh, especially if you’ve been lying around in your pjs all day!

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