#bbbtakeover final thoughts


This transformation is almost complete.  Beauty blogger back to beauty PR.

Today has been a busy, busy day.  It’s been a great day.  I have so appreciated your votes of confidence and support, and have enjoyed almost all elements of being a beauty blogger.

Before I embarked on this journey, I had thought the jobs would be more similar than they are.  I am amazed that two jobs so closely linked can be so different.  PR is more structured and whilst it is normally pretty frantic, blogging is a different type of frantic.  The need to post your story at the earliest opportunity, gives you little time to think and not as much time as I’d like to spend on the writing.

Thinking across all media channels, whilst checking emails, writing posts and taking photos at the same time without an actual plan, threw me a little, but the biggest challenge was the time it took to edit the darn pictures.

I am a diehard fan of all of my own clients’ brands so it hasn’t been easy to talk about competitors, but what I have observed from them, from sorting through Jane’s post and reading her mails, is re-confirmation that I have a great team at Pure, providing, truly what I consider as best PR practise.  It’s the team work that I think I’d miss the most if I was a blogger.   Knowing there’s always people around to ask for advice is actually priceless.

Today hasn’t been a job, in that I haven’t been paid, and Jane won’t have made any money either.  Blogs were born from the desire for people to talk and share their opinions;  they started out as hobbies.  Actually running a blog as a commercial enterprise is a whole other ball game.

I have been encouraged to try more products, than I would normally and in essence explore beauty more deeply.  Trying different things; leaving my comfort zone has been exhilarating and I’m inclined to do it again.  In fact I’m going to.  I’d love to do more beauty job swapping.  I want to spend a day working on a beauty counter, in a hair salon, in house for a brand and on a magazine beauty team  – to see this beautiful business from every side.  If any of you would grant me access to your team, I’d love to hear from you.

Jane is coming to Pure Public Relations in a few weeks to try out being a beauty PR, and I wonder what you’d all do to climb out of your comfort zone too and transform, for a day.


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7 responses to “#bbbtakeover final thoughts”

  1. Well done Kelly! Great idea from BBB to swap and v brave of you to take up the gauntlet! Having been both mag beauty editor and beauty PR I understand a bit of what you’ve been through today. Great challenge and really interesting to read! X

  2. Mocha

    Well done! I enjoyed reading your many articles today and looking at the swatches, hope to hear from you soon, although Jane was really missed!

  3. Thank you. It really is so good to hear from people. Will make me post more comments on the blogs I enjoy. Kelly

  4. Brilliant job! I’ve really enjoyed reading your posts! Great idea Jane & well done for taking up the challenge Kelly 🙂 x

  5. Excellent job and an excellent idea. Job swapping is a great way forward. Agency/client relationships have always been subject to many misunderstandings, you are welcome to join our team for the day whenever you like….. or when you have recovered! Debbie

    1. @pureprlondon

      Thanks for the offer Debbie. I will be in touch. Kelly

  6. Liz O’Reilly

    I’m stepping out of my comfort zone today and will be volunteering at my local hospice shop… Induction at 10.00am.

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