So, who knew? Audi makes nail polish. Nail guru, Andrea Fulerton, Tweeted this this week (@Andreafulerton). I’ve got an Audi, but I can’t say I’ve ever thought about matching my nails to my car. If I did, with my current car which is very old and very loved, it would have to have a lot of metallic elements to reflect the scrapes and the rust!
The Audi nail polish colours are honestly designed to match the exterior of Audi cars, so just in case you want to do this, the shades are Misano Red Pearl, Ice Silver Metallic and Shiraz Red Metallic.
Car brands are quick off the mark to get a fragrance going – notably Jaguar and Porsche – and I only just saved myself a very red face when I heard about the Saab fragrance which turned out to be Eli Saab and not Saab motors. Whew! But, what do you think? Is this the next matchy matchy thing about to happen?
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