[ad] I’m embarking on a six week (minimum) trial of Natucain Lash Growth Serum and honestly can’t wait to see how it fares. I feel very confident there will be results from this because the serum strengthens existing hairs as well as encouraging new growth. My friend Gill, who knows so much about brow and lash growth serums rails against certain brands (which I tried in 2020) that use hormone mimicking ingredients because of their potential side-effects. Interestingly, ‘cosmetic’ serums aren’t regulated in the same way as medical serums. I remember having a slightly reddened lash line which disappeared when I stopped.

So here I am with mascara freshly removed and all ready to go. I’m testing the Lash Serum rather than the Brow Serum because I’m happy with my brows and don’t particularly want them fuller although if you have sparse brows that you feel unhappy with, it comes with a fine mascara-like brush that allows for easy comb through.

Let me tell you how Natucain Lash Growth Serum is different from other serums. It’s the first patented 100% natural origin treatment for hair growth and is founded by Dr Stefanie Seyda, who studied at Oxford and became a research specialist looking for new actives to treat hair thinning and loss. From there, the discovery of bamboo growth gene derivatives combined with thyme and lentil extracts as effective nature-based ingredients for hair loss led to patenting this combination as MKMS24. It contains no hormones so any related potential side-effects are gone.

I wear make up far less than I used to (lock-down allowed me to become happy with make make-up free face) so the idea of long, thick and natural lashes is very appealing as is the idea that when I do wear mascara it looks even better. Natucain Lash Growth Serum is a convergence between medicine and biochemistry that targets hair root nourishment to produce stronger, more abundant lashes. As we know, a healthy root is the perfect place to grow healthy hair and I’ve written before about hair growth phases, but to recap, hair has a resting phase, a shedding phase and a growth phase. Natucain helps to prolong the growth phase so the rest and shedding phases are reduced. In fact, Natucain is happy to claim 52% longer lashes and 54% denser brows – and I’m very keen to see how that looks. Price-wise – because these products in general can be very expensive indeed – Natucain is very competitive at £59 each. I have a 20% off code for you if you want to join me on the journey. Just use JANE20 HERE.
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