Why Sunday Riley Luna Sleeping Night Oil Is Blue

Sunday Riley Luna Sleeping Night Oil

I’ve been trialling the Sunday Riley Luna Sleeping Night Oil myself – when I did a check around to see what others thought of it, I couldn’t believe that it has had so much coverage, and almost nobody asks why it’s so blue. Because it’s not just a kind of aqua blue – it’s not even blue to be honest, it’s like dark green ink. The party line is that it’s because it contains blue tansy and chamomile but the simple truth is that it’s been dyed to be that colour, and the only reason for unneccessary dyes is for marketing purposes. So it can stand out from the crowd, have a point of difference, be talked about more and spawn a whole sub-range of blue stuff (which is actually green anyway). It’s been put in blue bottle as well, which is going to throw up a whole heap of problems along the blue theme unless all subsequent packaging is blue glass, otherwise they’ll need yet more dye.

Sunday Riley Luna Sleeping Night Oil

So, being blue is completely pointless to the efficacy of the product. But, I’m going to join the fan club nonetheless because it’s a very, very good oil. Once it’s on your face and you’ve worked it in, your face isn’t blue – you don’t look like a Smurf – there’s no transfer of colour to bed linen or anything like that. The main USP of Sunday Riley Luna Sleeping Night Oil  is that it’s retinol in oil, so it performs like you would hope a non-irritating retinol would – smoother skin with softeness and good hydration. I’m going to finish mine to the last drop, which is testament to how much I love it and I’m as sure as I can be that my skin looks somewhat smoother, Basically, without going into too much science, retinols (Vitamin A) can help with photoageing which is the type of ageing that most beauty studies on Retinols have been carried out. Chronological ageing is a different thing in clinical terms. So, this might be useful oil if you’ve got sun damaged skin. I haven’t used it nearly long enough to see any photoageing effects (not that I really care anyway) but there are plenty of good ingredients in this – chia, blackberry and avocado for example – for it to feel like it’s a treat for your skin.

Sunday Riley Luna Sleeping Night Oil

The funny thing is about Sunday Riley Luna Oil is that it’s great without the bullshit. One of the loveliest oils I’ve ever put on my skin. So, if you can forgive the blue (green) and ignore, I’d highly recommnd it. Pricewise, it sounds toppy, but compare the Luna Oil 30ml for £85 to say, Sarah Chapman’s 15ml Skinesis Overnight Facial at £46, it’s not sitting out of place. Prices, by the way, are often dependent upon the retailer’s needs – if they have a space in a certain price category, they’ll ask the brands to price for the gap, not necessarily for the worth of the product. I know, right? It’s just a minefield! You can find it HERE.


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17 responses to “Why Sunday Riley Luna Sleeping Night Oil Is Blue”

  1. Been hoping you would spill the beans since catching Sali Hughes on your product video!

  2. I love this stuff. Didn’t realise it had dye in it though. I thought it was from the blue tansy. Feeling a bit daft now, but it won’t stop me using it 🙂

  3. I didn’t get on with it personally – made my skin feel super-soft and smooth at first, but then it broke me out horribly! Really glad I picked up a sample rather than a full size at least 🙂


  4. Alex Waller

    Ha ive been waiting for someone to drop the blue/green dye bomb on this… ive yet to try it so have reviewed myself but am pleased someone has said about the dye. Very simple marketing I wounder if the product wasn’t so good (as ive read) if people would still be raving about it?
    Do you know of any other good retinol oils on the market? Alex

  5. philippa

    I’ve heard so much about this oil but it’s far too pricey for me at the moment. Less expensive products are working perfectly well for me at the moment (:
    Philippa – ByPhilippa

  6. Maureen

    I’ve been using this every 2-3 nights for the last 2 months. Love it!! Skin texture improved and lightening of some hyperpigmentation from spots. Love your blog and periscopes Jane! (Can’t listen live due to time zone issues but check periscope regularly to see if you’ve been on!)

  7. Oh I was wondering what Sali and you were going to say about it.
    ( loved those YT vids they were fabulous).
    It’s good to know but I’ve been using it for two weeks on pale Irish freckled skin and I love it my skin just feels in better condition and looks less red. I don’t use it every night, about 3 times per week. When I have to purchase again it’ll break my heart as it’s so expensive.

  8. TK Park

    Thank you thank you…I’ve been telling folks about the dye and they always look at me like a have a second head. They say “oh but it’s so cool looking”…but it’s so unnecessary! It does have a number of great ingredients in but what is with the gimics? And I’m not even going to talk about all the unnecessary wasteful packaging.

  9. Onvie

    I’m very tempted by Sunday Riley’s Flora. I got a little sample pot from Space NK. The assistant was steering me towards Luna and I wondered if you’d tried Flora? I’m a newbie follower and love your very no nonsense approach. Also love a review from someone with a similar age.

    1. Jane

      I’ve tried Flora yes, and I liked it…. it doesn’t seem to be as radical if you like as Luna. Luna I think has a more marked effect x

      1. Onvie

        Thank you! I’m quite pleased to hear that because I’m finding the smell of Flora almost headache inducing.

  10. Dana

    I’ve been using this on and off for a few months. I thought the blue was from the tansy so that is disappointing. I think it’s good but not great. There are other stronger retinol treatments that I think are more effective (Paula’s choice clinical retinol) and v reasonable. But it is lovely! I really like Artermis from her range.

    1. Jane

      There is definitely blue tansy in there, but dyes have been used to boost up the colour.

  11. kelly logan gould

    I love this oil. Love it. I think it works beautifully and it is brightening my skin. However, mine isn’t that color. Mine is dark blue. It’s not the color of yours at all. WEIRD. ( I wonder if it’s because some blue dye is allowed in the US and not in the UK?)

  12. Lara

    Hi Jane,
    I love reading your blog but usually don’t comment. In this case however I felt I had to, just to say I am pleased to see this being highlighted.
    I have been using luna for almost three months and love it, and didn’t even go through a bad patch when I started using it ( that said my skin was already accustomed to retinol). I agree with you it’s a beautiful oil, with wonderful results, but the fact that an artificial dye has been added annoys me a bit. For two reasons, firstly because of the implication that it’s the ‘ blue tansy’ making it blue ( when it’s not entirely true). And secondly because I don’t really like the idea of putting an artificial dye on my skin (with presumably no skincare benefits?!)
    The irony is I soon got over it when I saw the results! I hadn’t even considered the blue glass issue.
    Thanks as always for writing an honest and informative review x

  13. ahhhsoneo

    I’m waiting on this to arrive in the mail. I have very high hopes for this one. I am concerned by the blue dye too. Bummer, still hope to see its benefits.

  14. CC

    I’m wondering if it is blue because blue cancels yellow tones to make things appear whiter (much like bluing to make your laundry whiter), making it appear to have brightening properties? Hmmm…

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