Well, I have a feeling that someone at the Body Shop has a sense of humour – this is photographed side on for modesty reasons ;-). Not as funny as L’Oreal Professional’s @lorealprofuk Twitter handle, maybe, but you take your laughs where you can…
The Body Shop Facial MassagerBUT, all references aside, The Body Shop Facial Massager is incredible. I can’t say enough! The way it grips your jaw so the skin gets a proper massage is truly amazing – and addictive. We all know the benefits – and pleasures – of facial massage, and in this case the positioning of the balls means that skin is just short of being ‘pinched’ (it’s not at all uncomfortable) but has enough grip to be doing something meaningful rather than just basically rolling your face. It’s genuinely the best facial massager I’ve come across, feels sensational with oils and serum, and there’s not much more to say on it than that.
The Body Shop Facial Massager is part of the Oils of Life range launching in early Autumn and it’s £16 very well spent.
Yes, I went there.. sorry…. 🙂
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