Even though Skin Design London is very much a premium price point, I absolutely loved using the Sleeping Beauty Night Cream. It’s the kind of cream that instantly removes any tightness or dryness and carries on relieving it during the night so when you wake, your skin feels beautifully hydrated and smooth. There are some fabulous ingredients in this; no wonder it performs so well with jojoba oil. collagen, all manner of tea extracts, avocado oil, rosehip oil, Omegea 3, 6 and 9 (presumably from the avocado or rosehip oil?) and acai berries. You can also use it as a mask for a more intense treatment – you know when your skin feels a bit wind burnt? I used this after a very sunny and windy dog walk which resulted in my skin feeling really tight, and it was an immediate relief that really did see the day out.

I’ve done this post deliberately on the same day as the Chanel Le Lift post so you can see that the Skin Design London pot is almost exactly the same in dimension and shape, although Chanel’s is heavier. It’s interesting because I think we could say that while they both contain 50ml of product, the Skin Design London packaging is clear and you can see that it doesn’t even nearly fill the entire shape of the pot. Chanel choose to keep their pots black so you can never physically see how much there is. In terms of whether it’s slack fill packaging, I don’t think it is because it’s very clear at the outset that you aren’t getting the entire pot, but the central core. Chanel’s mask might be.
Although I’m much more about age neutrality in beauty, the Skin Design London range is clearly anti-ageing, but there’s no real ‘scare’ tactics on their website – it seems rather respectful and to the point, actually – if you have wrinkles, use this, kind of thing, rather than a long list of dire things that are happening to your skin from which you must be saved! I also like the fact that there’s a cruelty free policy and that it’s paraben free.
My big sticking point is that it’s £90 and it’s very difficult to say whether it’s £90 good. It seems such a lot. I could run myself in circles here, so I guess it’s all down to where your own personal spend mark lies. I have genuinely enjoyed using this, I think it does deliver beautifully on comfort and hydration and I will, over time, finish the pot. You can find Skin Design London Sleeping Beauty Night Cream HERE.
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