I’ve been getting info on Prai for a while now and the correspondence chain sort of goes like this: Skin cream.. whatever (me)… neck cream…whatever… anti-ageing… whatever… loves animals.. hello, I’m listening. So, it turns out that this brand that I’ve ignored for ages is actually rather special in terms of philanthropy.
Founded by Cathy Kangas, a quarter of a million pounds each year goes to animal welfare charities. Cathy is a board member of the Humane Society and has been given a “Compassion in Action” award for her dedication. She’s worked on campaigns to save retired racehorses, ending seal slaughter, reuniting soldiers with their dogs they befriended in Afghanistan, building dog shelters and on top of that she has her own animal charity – the Cathy Kangas Foundation For Animals that donates to a variety of animal charities both in the US and abroad. They’re currently working on a campaign (which I find so genuinely upsetting I can’t even touch on the subject properly) to end dog festivals. So, as you might imagine, all of Prai products are not tested on animals and carry the Leaping Bunny certificate.

Prai is huge in the US and yet only just starting to place a footprint in the UK – their number one selling product globally is the Throat and Decolletage Cream (£45 HERE). The particularly blingy version of their face cream (above) is a limited edition for their launch at the Dorchester Spa. Prai has been a favourite on Q VC for years, but because I’ve been so oblivious, I’m relying on other reviews around the internet which come up extremely positive (particularly on Mumsnet and QVC – and if anyone can take a product down it’s the Mumsnetters!).
There’s something immensely touching about a brand that has a very real human aspect – think of all the brands where you can’t place one single face or name to, never mind what they might be doing out in the wider world to make a mark. Beauty world is a generous one when it comes to supporting charities, but the story behind Prai and all the work that Cathy does to make the world a better place for animal friends quite something.
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