There was a ‘thing’ a while back for a ‘lipcial’ – a facial for the lips. Even though it was marketing at its finest, I totally bought into it because it really does give results. It was when the Lisa Hoffman range was in the UK and I am sure that she had an 8 item facial set that included lips (I’ve been looking for it on-line and discovered that now Lisa Hoffman has a jewellery and fragrance range but no sign of the lip treatment) and it made me wonder why all facial treatments don’t include some lip care. You leave a facial with your skin all plumped and dewy but the same dry lips – it doesn’t make sense really!
You can stop moisture leaving the lips with a decent balm and a very good exfoliation treatment followed by an overnight slather can really smooth them out and leave them silky soft. Lips don’t have any oil glands for a start (nor sweat glands come to that) so the skin is a little different to other areas on the face and body. Fresh Sugar Lip Polish is a joy to use – not so grainy that you feel you’re rubbing stones over your mouth but enough ‘grit’ to make a difference to the lip surface. You can make your own sugar lip scrub (literally some fine grain sugar and a tiny bit of olive oil) but you’d find it hard to replicate the conditioning nature (Fresh’s version contains meadowfoam seed, jojoba seed, and grapeseed oils) of this one.
Fresh Sugar Lip Polish sits firmly in the luxury treatment camp, but it is absolutely lovely and genuinely makes lips look and feel better. I’ve been using the Sugar Nourishing Lip Balm (I got a tiny sample pot) as part of the ‘lipcial’ rather than every day, and the Sugar Lip Serum (I’m not as sure on the ‘essential’ nature of this one but it is very softening and a lovely 2nd step to use before the balm) and it’s an enjoyable process that does definitely improve the look and feel of my lips. You can find Fresh Lip Sugar Polish HERE.
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