Kure Bazaar is one of the few nail polish ranges left that I still really get a thrill from seeing whenever there is newness. I love the fact that Kure is made from 85% natural formula consisting of wood pulp, cotton, corn, potato and wheat and therefore obviously free from nasties – surely it has to be better for nails in the long run. But I also like that they don’t stick to regimented trends and the Rose Collection for Autumn is a good example of this.

The two I have here (of three) are: Lily Rose and Dolce (with French Rose being absent). I like them for being unexpected for autumn and for being non-bubblegum pinks – there’s a touch of ashiness to them which makes them a little bit for edgy for this style of pink. However, I would strongly advise that you do a white basecoat – the shades are quite thin (unusually, and so I suspect, purposefully) and if you want full coverage rather than a natural looking wash across the nail you will need white or nude underneath.
The Kure Bazaar New Shades (£15) for autumn launch on 9th September at Fortnum & Mason, although it will roll out to other retailers as well.
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