Last week, almost everything that dropped through my door was nude toned with the Isadora Bare & Beautiful Nails being a stand out for sheer gorgeousness. I’ve long said that I’m so over nude toned palettes, and yet every single one that arrives, I like. So, clearly I’m going to have to stop saying that! I think, imperceptibly, I’ve embraced the nude again.

This collection remind me of ballet dresses – some of the shades have a dash of iridescence to them, while others are just solidly creamy in ‘mannequin hands’ tones. There’s nothing here really for darker tones in the vein of mannequin, but there are several all tone cafe au lait shades that will contrast and look so stunning.

So going around the wheel from the buff pink: Rose Pink, Grapite Grey, Hazelnut, Nude Skin, Belle Beige, Bare N Beautiful, Lavender Rush (iridescent), Pearl Girl (iridescent), Milkshake. If you’ve got a wedding coming up there’s going to be ‘the one’ in this lot I think. Bear in mind you get a much purer nude shade if you undercoat in white. These launch onto Feel Unique next week.
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