I’ve had to go back and check several times just in case I’m missing something here – the YSL Vinyl Cream promises gloss, stain and lipstick in one – but they’re distinctly lacking gloss other than the first few moments of application. Don’t get me wrong – these are lovely; light, water-feeling on the lip, gorgeous, flattering colours and a stain that outlasts most that I’ve tried. But, after a few moments, we’re down to a sheen, not a gloss. A little longer and we’re down to just the stain.

I’m a very happy re-applier when it comes to lip products – I prefer gloss over all other lip products and that’s the payback for shiny lips; re-application, so I’d say you need to factor that in if you want to keep the sheeny-glossy element going. If you’re happy with a lip stain, however, it’s a great last and you won’t need to think about re-applying. When I tried to take off the swatches from my arm, it was definitely a challenge – it was finally removed with some effort with a waterproof eye make up remover.

Although the application doesn’t look terribly even in the swatches, this doesn’t translate to lips and it looks perfectly even. I think you can see in the swatches that YSL Vinyl Cream isn’t ‘that’ glossy. From bottom to top: Rouge Vinyle, Nude Pulse, Explicit Pink, Carmin Session, Burgundy Vibes.

From bottom to top: Rouge Remix, Rose Happening, Coral Neo-Pop, Rhythm Mix and Rose Mix. I love the shade selection – really vibrant and enlivening colours but, the stain will stay, the gloss won’t. They’re £26 each HERE.
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