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So, I had to allow myself one arty shot to illustrate the colour injection that the Westman Atelier Lip Suede palette represents – those shy translucent glosses making an appearance everywhere need to take a back seat for five minutes while we just celebrate a power lip.

It’s really quite a while since I’ve seen a lip palette – usually they’re found in Duty Free because they’re such an easy way to transport several lip colours at once. I do see the appeal – I’ve still got a couple of Chanel colour bars that I love although the downsides are obvious – colour bleeding and needing a teeny lip brush to keep within the lines.

If you’re into beauty that qualifies as ‘objet d’art’ this fits the bill perfectly – a gorgeous hand feel with weight and a kind of nestling-in-the-palm quality that’s found rarely. The colours tick off all eventualities with pink, deep red, bright red and nude. If you’re prepared to make the £78 spend and you love matte lip covers, I can’t see you’d be anything other than thrilled with the pigment level that appears although personally I think it should come with a brush. I don’t often use a lip brush but when I tested these colours, I was reminded of the ritual-of-beauty aspect that comes with painting your lips rather than just giving them a quick swipe – that moment where it’s just you and the mirror working together – lovely.

So, here’s the swatch – the colours contain cherry oil which seems to be an ingredient of the moment to counteract any dryness. I find more or less any matte eventually gives me that lip parched feeling and I automatically veer to gloss. But, if matte is your comfort zone I can’t find anything out of place here that isn’t just about personal preference. You can find the Westman Atelier Lip Suede palette HERE, non affiliate HERE.
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