I picked this genius eye liner up in Sephora in Paris on Tuesday – I very nearly didn’t even go in (I have enough make up!) but finding this made battling through the crowds more than worthwhile. What’s exciting about it is that it’s made liquid liner application easy not only for those (like me) who just generally struggle with precision, but also for anyone who can’t easily grip a liner pen – or possibly even have fine motor skill issues.

The reason is that the lid is hollow so that you can put your whole finger into it giving much more control over the liner and the application. The difference between this method and using a felt tip pen style liquid liner or a regular brush liquid liner is like night and day.

Like this! I can also see that a mascara and kohl built to the same packaging spec could also be very useful for anyone that finds gripping tricky. That said, I don’t say it’s the best liquid liner formula in the world – it’s not bad though and I just think this is complete genius. I have done the easiest liquid liner application of my life with it. It was just under seven euros (it doesn’t appear on the Sephora US site though) and comes in five shades HERE (Sephora.fr).
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