As if those darling cat lipsticks weren’t lovely enough, the rest of the Paul & Joe Cafe Parisienne Collection follows suit with birds, flowers and cats.. more cats! The Paul & Joe Cafe Parisienne Collection is for Autumn but will start to hit the shelves in August. I say ‘shelves’… there are hardly any left; only Selfridges and then online at Beautybay.com and ASOS. I can’t really forgive Fenwick for not having them any more – it was a perfect fit and a gorgeous counter. So, above is the Cafe Macchiato Eye Colour, £18, (there’s also a Carmel Drizzle shade) and the casing is made to look like a coffee cup and spoon to fit with the ‘cafe’ aspect.

Cheek Colour casings above are £7 each and you can match them up to your preferred dual cheek colour, £12.50.

I didn’t used to be a fan of separate casings and contents, but the more I see of these, the more I like them – if you’re treating yourself to something really special from the brand, I think it’s lovely to bespoke it up a bit and have it in exactly the colour ways you want it.

I’m guessing that the cats will be the sell out!
Paul & Joe Cafe Parisienne CollectionAnd, just a final reminder about the lipsticks so you can see how the collection fits together. I still haven’t been able to swatch them so I’m hoping someone else will take one for the testing team! Paul & Joe also have some new face primers coming, but I’m still in the process of testing these – I’ll post when I have some thoughts.
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