Hate to break hearts here, but I’m so disappointed with the NYX Pigments. Obviously, my nearest comparison is MAC Pigments (£16.50 or £10 in the to-go version) and you’re paying over £10 less for NYX which are £5.50 but I do think that in this instance, you get what you pay for.

Problem 1 is that when you take the lid off, there is a rubber stopper with three tiny holes in it. It’s not enough holes – or they’re not big enough – for the pigment to come out easily. You have to shake it out, and if you shake pigments – you get them everywhere! Problem 2 is consistency. Because just when you get the shake perfected along comes a colour (blue, in my case) where the holes are fractionally bigger OR the pigment is fine and it shoots out. Same result – pigment everywhere! Problem 3 is the rubber stopper is virtually impossible to get off, so even if you wanted to bypass the shaking method and scoop a bit out – good luck. I nearly broke my teeth and then had a lucky escape with a knife and still no joy.

When I mixed up some of the pigments with the mixing medium – and I totally accept if you are experienced with pigments you probably can get this to a fine art in no time – my results were patchy.

In this case, I think it’s a fiver wasted which is really a shame. I’m a huge fan of NYX in general for the brand’s ability to offer quality at reasonable prices, but the pigments are a total pass for me.
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