I’ve seen some really rotten eye tints this year but thankful to say that the NYX Lid Lingerie collection isn’t in that category! Lid tints have two problems – either they’re so loose and slippy that, when mixed with the natural oils on eye lids, they disappear almost as fast as you’ve put them on and seep into creases, or they’re such a ‘strong’ formula that they make your eyes water. Although I can detect the alcohol in this formula (butylene glycol, used to thin the product so it’s partially fluid), it’s not so strong that my eyes water.

What’s important, particularly if you’re older, is that the creme doesn’t shrink on the lid and cause creasing. Given that this formula contains a lot of water, once that hits the skin, it evaporates and leaves just the colour and remaining ingredients, in theory, that should happen. But, it really doesn’t seem to.

Although the majority of them have a metallic element, they’re more of a gentle sheen – I think they’re incredibly flattering – especially Rose Pearl that wakes up the eyes beautifully. I don’t have very oily lids so the last is good for me with these – if you have a lot of natural oil on your lids, use a primer first or stick to powder formulas.

The NYX Lid Lingerie colours have a doe’s foot applicator but it wasn’t accurate enough for me and I ended up blending out with a finger tip first then a brush (brush was better). So, from bottom to top, the swatch shades are:
Rose Pearl, Morning Sky, Bronze Mirage, Gold Standard, Evening Spell, Fame & Fortune, Sweet Cloud, Night Glow, New Romance, Whimsy, Nude To Me and White Lace Romance. These are worth £6 of anyone’s money HERE – all ages, all skin tones.
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