On the surface of things, the Jade Jagger collection looks as it should – she’s a jewellery designer so the shades, particularly the eye shadows, are jewel like with plenty of shimmer and sheen.

The quad I have here is Burning Nights. However, maybe because it’s the mineralize formula, which I really don’t like anyway, I just didn’t find that it swatches as it looks. In fact, I found the pigment quite weak and for a product that’s supposed to reflect riches and splendour, it was pretty lacklustre.

In particular, the blue/purple shade that looks intense and deep in the pan just came out light blue on my arm. On the plus, the lipstick, Sunset Pearl, is a warm, creamy nude shade that’s very much a suit-all. I don’t know – there’s something a bit half-hearted about this and the launch timing, when it has all of the Christmas sparkle to contend with, is questionable. Still, if you want a lush and delicious nude, Sunset Pearl will give it. It’s £21.50 HERE and the palette is £34 HERE.
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