While my site has been moving servers, I’ve been swatching up a storm! Next up on my swatch list was the Lottie London Shadow Swatch Palette in The Smokes – 12 shades of shimmer and matte in deep smoked colours. I’m pleased that the brand hasn’t shovelled in a load of unnecessary neutrals and just stuck to a couple of lighter shades.

As you can see, there is plenty of pigment – the only shade I had any difficulty with is the silver colour and it kind of bunched on the sponge applicator and then dropped. However, everything else seems to be fine.

I’m just going to put this out there though – there are a lot of very similar shades in this palette to the Fortune Favours The Brave palette (coincidence I am sure) but if you have that palette, you very probably don’t need this because of the close replications. I’ve done a few side by side shade swatches and they are pretty similar.
It’s a very decent smoky palette, and good value at £9.95.
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