Think dishwasher – for your make up brushes. The Lilumia Brush Cleaner uses water and a cleanser to run your brushes through all the cycles they need to become completely clean. It’s a pretty clever thing because it’s also got a dry cycle so in theory, your brushes will come out good as new. The downside is that it’s rather big, given that it only cleans six brushes at a time (thinking about make up artist’s kit here… they could easily use three times that in one busy day), and it’s currently not available in the UK (US $149). I am almost certain that this will be copied in some way – and there will be plenty of big brands wishing they’d thought of it so I hope that the Lilumia Brush Cleaner is patented up to its eyeballs.
I imagine that this device is aimed at professional make up artists as well as consumers, and obviously, nothing implies professional like a group of near naked girls, as seen on the Lilumia site.

I’m honestly pretty horrified that *this* is how it’s being marketed. I’m totally baffled to be honest! I can’t see how this is selling the product at all – if anything, it’s reducing it’s authority as a serious gadget. Any clues, anyone? Actually, yesterday I was approached by a non UK brand to discuss a body scrub – when I looked at their site, it was all about ‘babes’ (their word) and although there were a few plus size pictures, not really an even representation of ‘normal’ bodies in all varieties. Like the plus sizes looked token, not a natural fit. I’ve also refused to feature a fake tan brand for their horrendous Instagram feed which pictures the most emaciated women almost always in bikinis and under various ‘health’ hashtags. I get it that you want to see as much body as possible if it’s a body product, but there is a line, and that brand crossed it by promoting unhealthy and unattainable body sizes under the guise of a celebration of tanned limbs. They are completely banned from my site.
If you are able to purchase the Lilumia Brush Cleaner you might want to throw in the “Sexy CEO” plunge T-shirt that just sent feminism back to the dinosaurs.
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