This has been a full on week one way and another but one of the things that has really brightened it up is discovering that Le Metier De Beaute is coming back. It’s an expensive brand so I’ll put that out there right at the start so it sits firmly in the ‘luxury’ camp – or the ‘too expensive’ camp, whichever way you look at it! When it was first in the UK (in Liberty I seem to remember) and on the now closed Zuneta.com we were like moths to a flame with it – I don’t understand why it left, other than maybe the price points.

It was also around the same time that we had Edward Bess and I still miss that brand! Right back in 2009 I was watching Le Metier from across the pond and talking about it on my site – one of their products was a brightly coloured palette they did in collaboration with someone called Roopal Patelle and I loved it on site. While I was figuring out how to buy one (because in 2009, even the internet didn’t make that possible) the brand got in touch and said they’d like to send me one. Really, out of the blue. It’s in my box of very special beauty items and it’s never been touched but I still get that beauty thrill when I look at it.

What Le Metier specialise in is stacked palettes called Kaleidoscopes that fan out. They’re compact towers of colour I think you could say, but since I last physically saw the brand, they’ve greatly expanded their colour ranges (the glosses in particular are incredible) and ventured into skin care (not for me – way too expensive – £350 for a neck cream).

In this picture you can see their concealer, a lipstick and a cream blush, but in the main picture, it’s the product I’m most interested in trying out properly – the Peau Vierge base that contains colour, SPF and a retinol complex. I’ve tried it once, yesterday, and in terms of luminosity, yes! It’s weightless, glowy and perfecting and spot on for the beauty consumer who loves the tiny detail aspect of bases. But, I haven’t had enough of a chance to try it properly so I’ll hold off on any further comment until I have. I will say that it’s tipping the £100 mark though.

Le Metier de Beaute is going into SpaceNK which is the right place for it – a slightly older demographic looking to spend carefully but doesn’t mind going luxury and where a retinol-built-in base and luxury portable beauty will really appeal. I’m looking forward to seeing how this pans out. I believe it goes into stores in September. I know that BeautyBay stock a few bits and pieces from the range in the meantime.
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