Wow.. these are some of the prettiest Bindis that I’ve seen (although I have to say, I’m no Bindi expert). In Your Dreams has a range of temporary tattoos and bindis so you can mix up your body art – I’m thinking more of the coloured foil tattoos that are around at the moment (I showed you Flash Tattoos last week) that lend themselves to adding extra.

I love the simple foil chains on this sheet that mean you could add bindis or elements of to make some gorgeous temporary jewellery. If it was a real thing, I’d probably buy that bracelet!
In Your Dreams BindisWhat I like about this brand is that they’re affordable (tattoo sheets are £5, and Bindis are around that price as well) so it’s not going to break the bank to experiement with different looks. All very well to say as I’m staring at drizzle – in June – but I think I can see that when the sun hits all the different elements of the tattoos and the bindis, it will be something special. You can find In Your Dreams HERE (all on pre-order until the July 5th launch).
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