[affiliatelink] Hold on, we can’t move for celebrity beauty launches at the moment! Lady Gaga’s collection, Haus Labs, launched on Amazon last week so I bought a lip colour just to satisfy my curiosity.

Honestly, it’s pretty impressive. This is Le Riot Lipgloss in Venus, a peachy shade with a little bit of lustre in the shine. I don’t think I’ve seen this style of gloss packaging before and I love the black ombre that works its way down the tube leaving just a little bit of colour showing.

The best thing about this from a user point of view is that there is no scent. If you are as averse as I am to having vanilla or mint on your mouth every time you want to wear gloss, this is a welcome relief. The texture is just the right side of tacky to stay for a good while but doesn’t glue your lips shut. It’s a high sheen, helped by the lustre and this shade is not full pigment – it’s more of a glaze than a glare.

The wand has an impressive lip hug – it’s curved to fit the lip shape properly and is the best I’ve come across in that respect.

Venus is a properly easy wear shade – I could happily wear it day to day especially as it’s comfortable (and scent free) on the lips. It’s a weekend, make-up lite shade for me so I’m pleased to have it. It feels at the top end price wise at £17.50 but because it’s such a wearable colour I feel I’ll get good use from it. You can find it HERE.
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