Glossier Lash Slick

The very good thing about Glossier Lash Slick is that it’s tubing so the chances of it running or smudging are more or less eliminated. This puts it right into the suitable-for-sport category. The less good thing, depending upon how you look at it, is that it’s quite a light mascara. You won’t get huge fat lashes with it, but more a colour coating and a lash enhancement. You can build it up and it builds well if you let the coats dry, and I noticed my lashes looking a bit longer but Glossier’s philosophy is all about being less and pared back so this product entirely fits with that. It’s a very unexciting mascara, but if you need something for your sweaty Pilates class or you like a gentler, separated, darker lash look with no extras, it’s absolutely filling that role and filling it well.

It occurred to me straight away that it’s a good mascara for older women who perhaps find their lashes finer and/or more sparse and can’t load them up any more with tons of product but do want their lashes darkening. To remove, you don’t use a normal lash cleanser, but a warm cloth or flannel so that the ‘tubing’ just pares away.  There was a little bit of drama around the product launch which found it mistakenly labelled as vegan (it’s not – it contains beeswax) but Glossier stepped up to the plate on it and issued refunds to everyone who’d bought it because of its vegan status.

You can find Glossier Lash Slick HERE for £14.


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