Remember Origins Pinch Your Cheeks? This new lip and cheek tint from Erborian is not dissimilar except the texture is more oily – the colour is a tomato red which is the perfect shade for summer skin especially if you have allowed your tone to warm. However, it’s more unruly because of the slippy texture than PYC and my fingertips are still red from applying! So, as a tint, it really does mark down a tint but if you have a tiny kabuki, I’d recommend trying it with that rather than fingers. It’s £14 for 8ml (PYC is £15 for 3ml) HERE and it’s going straight in the keep drawer. I love it!
I’m less enthusiastic about the 7 Herbs Lip Scrub (pictured above) – and it’s overpriced at £17. It’s got tiny sugar grains to exfoliate but not nearly enough of them. They’re set in an oil so you get very oily lips and not much scrub. There are definitely better scrubs out there (with more on the way) and I’d take the newly launched MAC Scrubtious Scrubs (HERE, £12.50) over this any day.

Nude Infusion (pink tube) is a blend of oils for the lips (jojoba, sunflower, pumpkin seed, sesame and camellia) and works as a lip softener and conditioner. Again, very loose textured with an oily feel – it doesn’t stay on long, but actually does make your lips feel soft. On the lips, it looks like a super high sheen gloss. I like it, but kept getting the feeling it might be dribbling off my lips so you must only use a tiny, tiny amount. Again, this is £14 for 8ml HERE and I should think it will last a very long time.

The new Glow Creme is easily the star of the show here – it’s absolutely gorgeous. Like MAC Strobe in a cooler, more refreshing formula. It gives a pearly glow to the skin that does that slight light catchy thing with pink reflects and I’d be happy to use this under make up any day! The formula, which contains licorice extract, is nicely hydrating, but the luminizing is really the major point. It’s for anyone who wants a subtle light-hit look on bare skin rather than a unicorn shine. It looks like HoF has the exclusive on this for £37 HERE.

You can see the stain shadow from a previous swatch, so it does stick around.

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