[unpaid/sample/affiliate/ad] My favourite things! I love eye colour sticks – they’re just so, so easy and anyone can do them … if you don’t have the precision, mobility or desire for a multi-layered smoky eye, these are the answer. Better still, there is now a virtual try on option if you want to see how you look in a midnight blue before you buy.

I know I’ve covered the e.l.f. sticks before but these metallic shades are fairly new and a complete snip at £5 each. There are 12 shades and I have predictably been drawn to Metallic Pull in a kind of neutral taupe.

Each stick has a built in sharpener at the other end from the crayon. These aren’t highly metallic – some take the metal element better than others – mainly the deeper shades actually – so you won’t get Urban Decay levels of high beam, just a subtle elevation in light on the lighter colours and a bit more shimmer for the deeps. In terms of stay – that will vary depending upon your lid oil levels which will be different for everyone but I have found them to reliably give several hours without needing to reapply – but it’s so easy that it really doesn’t feel like any kind of a bother to swipe over again if needs be.

From bottom to top: Midnight Sapphire, Magnetic Pull, Golden Goddess, Rich Amethyst, Blue Steel and Rose Quartz. They’re HERE, non-affiliate HERE.
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