I now have the low down on most of the forward trend products that I saw in Paris this week with Clinique – the Clinique Sweet Pop Sugar Scrub and Lip Balm (official name.. I called them sweet pots in my last post) will cost £16 each. They’ll be available on November 6th at Debenhams and then have a nationwide launch in February 2016. I’ll flag up when they go on sale – there is a lot of excitement for these, understandably so, and I’ve a feeling they might be a sell out.

The Clinique Lid Pop Eyes are scheduled for a February launch (5th) and will cost £15 each.

The Clinique Pop Lacquer collection is also for next spring – a selection of glosses in bright shades.

Actually, because I only had moments to take some snaps and swatch, I wasn’t sure if these were demi-gloss or full gloss at the time – pleased to confirm for glossy addicts like me they’re full gloss.

I think it’s so cool that we can now track the development of these early look products – the Lid Pops are ready but the Pop Lacquers still need their final packaging, and actually, even I don’t know what these are below!

I know they were explained by the make up artists as a product for lips and cheeks and are super sheer but obviously they’re not final packaging and don’t even have a name yet! I think by next summer, you will be able to look back and say, ‘oh, so that’s what those were!’. We’re so lucky to be able to have such a sneak peek of products at such an early stage – most brands are very shy of doing this because of copies so I have to recognise that Clinique have been exceptionally forward thinking to let this even happen. It’s worth noting as well that while they’re being adventurous with future products, they’re also one of the brands that are most tapped into the potential of social media. From my perspective this is hugely exciting (and I’d be lying if I didn’t say unexpected!).

So, there we go. I’ll have more information as time goes on – I interviewed their newest make-up artist from Korea who is unbelievably talented when it comes to skin, so I’ll be writing that up next week.
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