Right, remember I said that so many things went wrong last week? Here’s another of them. I was sent samples of Rouge Allure Velvet and Rouge Allure Velvet Extreme to show you. I took them all out of their boxes without double checking that the names were on the actual product and they weren’t. So, because the lids of both are exactly the same (the bases are different in colour) I have no way now to connect back the correct shades. What an absolute fail. I’m hazarding a guess based on the release that I have here (that very handily gives pictures) but don’t take it as bible on this occasion. So above, we have (I think!!) Epitome, Extreme and Impressive. The name will tell you that they have such a strong colour intensity and such a matte finish that they should carry a hazard warning! The point about Extreme is that it is exactly that so you will need a mirror handy – one wrong move and I dread to think.

I’m far more at home with the non-extreme versions of the velvets – above, Peaceful, Emotive and Unique (I hope). Chanel, as a brand, does velvet very comfortably – I’m not a matte fan at all but these are light and silky on the lip, not drying and then, of course, there’s that smooth click casing that nobody else seems to have fine-tuned quite as well.

Of the newness, I think you will find the Rouge Allure Liquid Powders the most intriguing. It’s a powdery feeling balm-gel that on the lip feels smooth and slightly slippy in a kind of wet-dry way. It’s hard to explain but in composition they’re powder-in-oil but feel more solid than that description.

I’m not that keen on foam applicators and squeezing – it’s full of potential to go wrong but in this instance it does feel like the right delivery method for the texture. The shades I have are Avant Gardiste and Plasir (I think).

You can see, in the swatch, that they offer a blur effect (in reality, it’s more apparent on the arm than the lip). They’re honestly very interesting and I can’t think of a texture that I’ve come across exactly like it.

In this swatch, it’s the Velvets first and then the Velvet Extremes second which I think explains exactly what I was saying about having a mirror handy for application and re-application – they’re not the sort of colours you can make a mistake with doing a blind swipe in the back of a cab. In terms of price, Liquid Powder is £31 (6 shades), Velvet Extreme is £31 (6 shades) and Rouge Allure Velvet is also £31 (4 new shades). You’ll find them HERE.
Non aff HERE
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