Oh hey… how on earth can a matte highlighter work? When Benefit launches their Operation Pore-Proof kit at the end of July this year, inside it, you’ll find Shy Beam.
Benefit Shy BeamAnd, here she is! I’m pretty sure that Benefit Shy Beam will appear at full size at some stage. So, what does it do? If you have pale skin or very oily skin and every single highlighter product sets your skin shining like the Blackpool Illuminations, Shy Beam is for you. I suppose you could almost say it’s reverse contouring – so under-lighting for cheekbones or brow bones in a way that gives a lightful definition without all the twinkles. Even if you don’t have pale skin, you can under-light with it but you’d need to be really careful with the blending so that it doesn’t look like a pale stripe.
Benefit Shy BeamBenefit Shy Beam is a good match for all the other products in the Operation Pore-Proof kit – Porefessional, Agent Zero Shine, License to Blot and Dr Feelgood, all at mini sizes with a teeny weeny brush to boot, because it’s all about banishing oily sheen – with Shy Beam you can highlight without adding any more oiliness or shine. I think it’s a clever little product.
Benefit Shy BeamI’ve shot this right in full sun light so you can see what it really does – the first swatch is Benefit Shy Beam as it comes out of the tube and not blended; the second is semi-blended and you can see that it’s giving a light-washed nuance without shine. You could, in all honesty, get this look from using a matte powder but Shy Beam is very loose in consistency which means that blending is an absolute dream. When Benefit’s head make up artist, Lisa, starts giving tips on how to use it, I’ll feature Benefit Shy Beam again. For now though, it’s just a little sneaky peek.
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