[affiliate] I think we’re all re-thinking our product consumption and are certainly more aware of what we’re sending to landfill so I thought I’d check out the bamboo make up remover pads that are fully washable and cut down the amount of cotton wool I’m using. These pads are probably only useful to you if you use micellar cleansers (because if you double cleanse with balm or use wash-off cleansers, these only need a flannel) or more liquid style cleansers.

Confusingly, they are referred to as bamboo cotton pads and that’s two separate things but I think one side (the fluffy side) is bamboo and the other is cotton. The wash bag feels entirely synthetic! They work very nicely for a micellar or no rinse oil cleanse and also if you have a separate mascara remover (although good luck ever getting them completely clean looking again) that works well too. As a lotion cleansing pad, only the cotton side was effective and then obviously, for balm cleanse you more than likely use your fingers to massage in before rinsing off. I’m assuming that nobody uses cotton wool to apply lotion/balm before rinsing (because I don’t, I use my hands). In the pack I ordered, there are 16 pads, so by my reckoning that amounts to one weekly wash which doesn’t seem too onerous at all.
These pads seem like a good way to reduce cotton wool consumption and reduce waste if you use a liquid style cleanser – I paid £8.99 HERE for mine but there are lots of options available.
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