[unpaid/sample/affiliate/ad] I could swear that I’ve featured this TIGI product before – but it’s not showing up anywhere on my site and I must have had it in my bathroom for about a year. I remember trying it and being super impressed with it. Luckily, I picked it up again last week and have used it twice more and it’s still as amazing as I remember.

Anyway, it seems like I’ve opened a whole can of worms because far from being the quick purchase for lovely, shiny hair I thought I was going to be finding, it’s almost impossible to find anywhere. Copyright has always been the salon arm of TIGI as opposed to their consumer brand, Bedhead and both were Unilever owned. However, Unilever decided to discontinue TIGI Copyright Colour last year but instead sold it to the former MD of TIGI who leads Colour House International (hair supply distribution). However, that’s the professional colour part of Copyright which can only be bought by registered trade and there is no sign of Shine Booster.
So, the upshot is that I’ve found it on-line in places like eBay with several listings (HERE) and they must be the very last of the last. My product must be at least a year old so I feel confident that anything you find will still be okay. It seems such a big shame because it’s a brilliant, does-the-job product that when you add a few drops to your conditioner genuinely makes your hair more shiny. What a shame it’s almost gone for good and in the very remote hope that this is read by CHI, please bring it back!
While I was searching for my Copyright post (which doesn’t exist other than in my head it seems), I came across the post from when I was backstage with Burberry in 2011 – that was such a stressful day! It’s HERE.
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